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HD 285749



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Zero-Age Main Sequence in the HR Diagram of the Vilnius Photometric System
The zero-age main sequence for solar metallicity stars in the absolutemagnitude vs. color diagram of the Vilnius seven-color photometricsystem is determined. The calibration is based on the results ofphotoelectric photometry of stars in the Hyades, Pleiades and Praesepeopen clusters and the Ori OB1 association. A theoretical Victoria-Reginaisochrone, corresponding to an age of 10 million years, coincides wellwith the lower envelope of the unevolved main sequence.

A Catalog of Temperatures and Red Cousins Photometry for the Hyades
Using Hyades photometry published by Mendoza and other authors,Pinsonneault et al. have recently concluded that Cousins V-I photometrypublished by Taylor & Joner is not on the Cousins system. Extensivetests of the Taylor-Joner photometry and other pertinent results aretherefore performed in this paper. It is found that in part, thePinsonneault et al. conclusion rests on (1) a systematic error inMendoza's (R-I)J photometry and (2) a small error in anapproximate Johnson-to-Cousins transformation published by Bessell. Forthe Taylor-Joner values of (V-R)C, it is found that there arepossible (though not definite) differences of several mmag with otherresults. However, the Taylor-Joner values of (R-I)C data aresupported at the 1 mmag level. Using the (R-I)C data andother published results, an (R-I)C catalog is assembled for146 Hyades stars with spectral types earlier than about K5. For singlestars with multiple contributing data, the rms errors of the catalogentries are less than 4.4 mmag. Temperatures on the Di Benedettoangular-diameter scale are also given in the catalog and are used tohelp update published analyses of high-dispersion values of [Fe/H] forthe Hyades. The best current mean Hyades value of [Fe/H] is found to be+0.103+/-0.008 dex and is essentially unchanged from its previous value.In addition to these numerical results, recommendations are made aboutimproving attitudes and practices that are pertinent to issues likethose raised by Pinsonneault et al.

Mg II chromospheric radiative loss rates in cool active and quiet stars
The Mg II k emission line is a good indicator of the level ofchromospheric activity in late-type stars. We investigate the dependenceof this activity indicator on fundamental stellar parameters. To thispurpose we use IUE observations of the Mg II k line in 225 late-typestars of luminosity classes I-V, with different levels of chromosphericactivity. We first re-analyse the relation between Mg II k lineluminosity and stellar absolute magnitude, performing linear fits to thepoints. The ratio of Mg II surface flux to total surface flux is foundto be independent of stellar luminosity for evolved stars and toincrease with decreasing luminosity for dwarfs. We also analyse the MgII k line surface flux-metallicity connection. The Mg II k emissionlevel turns out to be not dependent on metallicity. Finally, the Mg II kline surface flux-temperature relation is investigated by treatingseparately, for the first time, a large sample of very active and normalstars. The stellar surface fluxes in the k line of normal stars arefound to be strongly dependent on the temperature and slightly dependenton the gravity, thus confirming the validity of recently proposedmodels. In contrast, data relative to RS CVn binaries and BY Dra stars,which show very strong chromospheric activity, are not justified in theframework of a description based only on acoustic waves and uniformlydistributed magnetic flux tubes so that they require more detailedmodels.

Searching for Planets in the Hyades. V. Limits on Planet Detection in the Presence of Stellar Activity
We present the results of a radial velocity survey of a sample of Hyadesstars and discuss the effects of stellar activity on radial velocitymeasurements. The level of radial velocity scatter due to rotationalmodulation of stellar surface features for the Hyades is in agreementwith the 1997 predictions of Saar & Donahue-the maximum radialvelocity rms of up to ~50 m s-1, with an average rms of ~16 ms-1. In this sample of 94 stars we find one new binary, twostars with linear trends indicative of binary companions, and noclose-in giant planets. We discuss the limits on extrasolar planetdetection in the Hyades and the constraints imposed on radial velocitysurveys of young stars.Some of the data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. KeckObservatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among theCalifornia Institute of Technology, the University of California, andthe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). TheObservatory was made possible by the generous financial support of theW. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge thevery significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of MaunaKea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are mostfortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from thismountain. Additional data were obtained with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope,which is operated by McDonald Observatory on behalf of the University ofTexas at Austin, the Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, andGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Magnesium Isotope Ratios in Hyades Stars
Using classical model atmospheres and an LTE analysis, Mg isotope ratios24Mg:25Mg:26Mg are measured in 32Hyades dwarfs covering effective temperatures4000K<=Teff<=5000K. We find no significant trend in anyisotope ratio versus Teff, and the mean isotope ratio is inexcellent agreement with the solar value. We determine stellarparameters and Fe abundances for 56 Hyades dwarfs covering4000K<=Teff<=6200K. For stars warmer than 4700 K, wederive a cluster mean value of [Fe/H]=0.16+/-0.02 (σ=0.1), in goodagreement with previous studies. For stars cooler than 4700 K, we findthat the abundance of Fe from ionized lines exceeds the abundance of Fefrom neutral lines. At 4700 K,[Fe/H]II-[Fe/H]I~=0.3dex, while at 4000 K[Fe/H]II-[Fe/H]I~=1.2dex. This discrepancy betweenthe Fe abundance from neutral and ionized lines likely reflectsinadequacies in the model atmospheres and the presence of non-LTE orother effects. Despite the inability of the models to reproduce theionization equilibrium for Fe, the Mg isotope ratios appear immune tothese problems and remain a powerful tool for studying Galactic chemicalevolution.Data presented here were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, whichis operated as a scientific partnership among the California Instituteof Technology, the University of California, and the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possibleby the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation.

The Distances to Open Clusters as Derived from Main-Sequence Fitting. II. Construction of Empirically Calibrated Isochrones
We continue our series of papers on open cluster distances by comparingmulticolor photometry of single stars in the Hyades with theoreticalisochrones constructed with various color-temperature relations. Afterverifying that the isochrone effective temperatures agree well withspectroscopically determined values, we argue that mismatches betweenthe photometry and the theoretical colors likely arise from systematicerrors in the color-temperature relations. We then describe a method forempirically correcting the isochrones to match the photometry anddiscuss the dependence of the isochrone luminosity on metallicity.This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All SkySurvey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts andthe Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute ofTechnology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administrationand the National Science Foundation.

Dependence of coronal X-ray emission on spot-induced brightness variations in cool main sequence stars
The maximum amplitude (Amax) of spot-induced brightnessvariations from long-term V-band photometry and the ratioLX/Lbol between X-ray and bolometric luminositiesare suitable indicators of the level of magnetic activity in thephotosphere and in the corona of late-type stars, respectively. By usingthese activity indicators we investigate the dependence of coronal X-rayemission on the level of photospheric starspot activity in a homogeneoussample of low mass main sequence field and cluster stars of differentages (IC 2602, IC 4665,IC 2391, alpha Persei,Pleiades and Hyades). First, theactivity-rotation connection at the photospheric level is re-analysed,as well as its dependence on spectral type and age. The upper envelopeof Amax increases monotonically with decreasing rotationalperiod (P) and Rossby number (R0) showing a break around 1.1d that separates two rotation regimes where the starspot activity showsdifferent behaviours. The Amax-P andAmax-R0 relations are fitted with linear,exponential and power laws to look for the function which bestrepresents the trend of the data. The highest values of Amaxare found among K-type stars and at the ages of alphaPersei and Pleiades. We also analyse theactivity-rotation connection at the coronal level as well as itsdependence on spectral type. The level of X-ray emission increases withincreasing rotation rate up to a saturation level. The rotational periodat which saturation occurs is colour-dependent and increases withadvancing spectral type. Also the LX/Lbol-P andLX/Lbol-R0 relations are fitted withlinear, exponential and power laws to look for the best fittingfunction. Among the fastest rotating stars (P<=0.3 d) there isevidence of super-saturation. Also the highest values ofLXLbol are found among K-type stars. Finally, thephotospheric-coronal activity connection is investigated by using forthe first time the largest ever sample of light curve amplitudes asindicators of the magnetic filling factor. The activity parametersLX/Lbol and Amax are found to becorrelated with each other, thus confirming the dependence of coronalactivity on photospheric magnetic fields. More precisely, theLX/Lbol-Amax distribution shows thepresence of an upper envelope, which is constant at theLX/Lbol =~ -3.0 saturation level, and of a lowerenvelope. The best fit to the lower envelope is given by a power lawwith steepness decreasing from F-G to M spectral types. However, it isconsidered a tentative result, since the fit reduced chi-squares arelarge. Such spectral-type dependence may be related to a colourdependence of Amax on the total starspot filling factor, aswell as to the coronal emission being possibly more sensitive tostarspot activity variations in F- and G-type than in M-type stars. TheLX/Lbol-Amax mean values for eachcluster in our sample decrease monotonically with increasing age,showing that the levels of photospheric and coronal activity evolve intime according to a single power law till the Sun's age.Tables of the photometric and X-ray data sets are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/410/671

Searching for Planets in the Hyades. II. Some Implications of Stellar Magnetic Activity
The Hyades constitute a homogeneous sample of stars ideal forinvestigating the dependence of planet formation on the mass of thecentral star. Because of their youth, Hyades members are much morechromospherically active than stars traditionally surveyed for planetsusing high-precision radial velocity techniques. Therefore, we haveconducted a detailed investigation of whether magnetic activity of ourHyades target stars will interfere with our ability to make preciseradial velocity (vrad) searches for substellar companions. Wemeasure chromospheric activity (which we take as a proxy for magneticactivity) by computing the equivalent of the R'HKactivity index (which is corrected for photospheric contributions) fromthe Ca II K line. The value of is notconstant in the Hyades: we confirm that it decreases with increasingtemperature in the F stars and also find it decreases for stars coolerthan mid K. We examine correlations between simultaneously measuredR'HK and radial velocities using both a classicalstatistical test and a Bayesian odds ratio test. We find that there is asignificant correlation between R'HK and theradial velocity in only five of the 82 stars in this sample. Thus,simple R'HK-vrad correlations willgenerally not be effective in correcting the measured vradvalues for the effects of magnetic activity in the Hyades. We argue thatthis implies long-timescale activity variations (of order a few years;i.e., magnetic cycles or growth and decay of plage regions) will notsignificantly hinder our search for planets in the Hyades if the starsare closely monitored for chromospheric activity. The trends in theradial velocity scatter (σ'v) with, vsini, and Prot for ourstars is generally consistent with those found in field stars in theLick planet search data, with the notable exception of a shallowerdependence of σ'v on for F stars. Data presented hereinwere obtained at the W.M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as ascientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, theUniversity of California, and the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration. The Observatory was made possible by the generousfinancial support of the W.M. Keck Foundation.

Astrometric radial velocities. III. Hipparcos measurements of nearby star clusters and associations
Radial motions of stars in nearby moving clusters are determined fromaccurate proper motions and trigonometric parallaxes, without any use ofspectroscopy. Assuming that cluster members share the same velocityvector (apart from a random dispersion), we apply a maximum-likelihoodmethod on astrometric data from Hipparcos to compute radial and spacevelocities (and their dispersions) in the Ursa Major, Hyades, ComaBerenices, Pleiades, and Praesepe clusters, and for theScorpius-Centaurus, alpha Persei, and ``HIP 98321'' associations. Theradial motion of the Hyades cluster is determined to within 0.4 kms-1 (standard error), and that of its individual stars towithin 0.6 km s-1. For other clusters, Hipparcos data yieldastrometric radial velocities with typical accuracies of a few kms-1. A comparison of these astrometric values withspectroscopic radial velocities in the literature shows a good generalagreement and, in the case of the best-determined Hyades cluster, alsopermits searches for subtle astrophysical differences, such as evidencefor enhanced convective blueshifts of F-dwarf spectra, and decreasedgravitational redshifts in giants. Similar comparisons for the ScorpiusOB2 complex indicate some expansion of its associations, albeit slowerthan expected from their ages. As a by-product from the radial-velocitysolutions, kinematically improved parallaxes for individual stars areobtained, enabling Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams with unprecedentedaccuracy in luminosity. For the Hyades (parallax accuracy 0.3 mas), itsmain sequence resembles a thin line, possibly with wiggles in it.Although this main sequence has underpopulated regions at certaincolours (previously suggested to be ``Böhm-Vitense gaps''), suchare not visible for other clusters, and are probably spurious. Futurespace astrometry missions carry a great potential for absoluteradial-velocity determinations, insensitive to the complexities ofstellar spectra. Based on observations by the ESA Hipparcos satellite.Extended versions of Tables \ref{tab1} and \ref{tab2} are available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/381/446

A Hipparcos study of the Hyades open cluster. Improved colour-absolute magnitude and Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams
Hipparcos parallaxes fix distances to individual stars in the Hyadescluster with an accuracy of ~ 6 percent. We use the Hipparcos propermotions, which have a larger relative precision than the trigonometricparallaxes, to derive ~ 3 times more precise distance estimates, byassuming that all members share the same space motion. An investigationof the available kinematic data confirms that the Hyades velocity fielddoes not contain significant structure in the form of rotation and/orshear, but is fully consistent with a common space motion plus a(one-dimensional) internal velocity dispersion of ~ 0.30 kms-1. The improved parallaxes as a set are statisticallyconsistent with the Hipparcos parallaxes. The maximum expectedsystematic error in the proper motion-based parallaxes for stars in theouter regions of the cluster (i.e., beyond ~ 2 tidal radii ~ 20 pc) isla 0.30 mas. The new parallaxes confirm that the Hipparcos measurementsare correlated on small angular scales, consistent with the limitsspecified in the Hipparcos Catalogue, though with significantly smaller``amplitudes'' than claimed by Narayanan & Gould. We use the Tycho-2long time-baseline astrometric catalogue to derive a set of independentproper motion-based parallaxes for the Hipparcos members. The newparallaxes provide a uniquely sharp view of the three-dimensionalstructure of the Hyades. The colour-absolute magnitude diagram of thecluster based on the new parallaxes shows a well-defined main sequencewith two ``gaps''/``turn-offs''. These features provide the first directobservational support of Böhm-Vitense's prediction that (the onsetof) surface convection in stars significantly affects their (B-V)colours. We present and discuss the theoretical Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram (log L versus log T_eff) for an objectively defined set of 88high-fidelity members of the cluster as well as the delta Scuti startheta 2 Tau, the giants delta 1, theta1, epsilon , and gamma Tau, and the white dwarfs V471 Tau andHD 27483 (all of which are also members). The precision with which thenew parallaxes place individual Hyades in the Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram is limited by (systematic) uncertainties related to thetransformations from observed colours and absolute magnitudes toeffective temperatures and luminosities. The new parallaxes providestringent constraints on the calibration of such transformations whencombined with detailed theoretical stellar evolutionary modelling,tailored to the chemical composition and age of the Hyades, over thelarge stellar mass range of the cluster probed by Hipparcos.

The ``rotation-activity connection'': Its extension to photospheric activity diagnostics
In this paper we present the results of a different approach in thestudy of the so-called rotation-activity connection, which is a wellestablished correlation between rotation and magnetic activity atchromospheric and outer atmospheric levels. The present study concernsthe photospheric level and was carried out by using V-band photometriclight curve amplitudes as indicators of starspot coverage and ofmagnetic activity. A high degree of correlation between the envelope ofmaximum V-band light curve amplitudes and the rotation period is foundfor the active star members of young open clusters (IC 2602, IC 2391,Alpha Persei, Pleiades and Hyades), as well as for active field stars.This correlation shows a different behaviour in two different rotationperiod ranges. Moreover, some evidence of a possible activity``saturation'' is found among the most rapidly rotating stars of thesample. Additional correlations between photospheric and other magneticactivity indicators in the chromosphere, transition region and coronaare also investigated. The results presented here can be considered asan extension of the well established rotation-activity connection validfrom the corona, transition region and chromosphere, down to thephotosphere.

Photometric Separation of Stellar Properties Using SDSS Filters
Using synthetic photometry of Kurucz model spectra, we explore thecolors of stars as a function of temperature, metallicity, and surfacegravity with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) filters, u'g'r'i'z'. Thesynthetic colors show qualitative agreement with the few publishedobservations in these filters. We find that the locus of synthetic starsis basically two-dimensional for 4500 < T < 8000 K, whichprecludes simultaneous color separation of the three basic stellarcharacteristics we consider. Colors including u' contain the mostinformation about normal stellar properties; measurements in this filterare also important for selecting white dwarfs. We identify two differentsubsets of the locus in which the loci separate by either metallicity orsurface gravity. For 0.5 < g' - r' < 0.8 (corresponding roughly toG stars), the locus separates by metallicity; for photometric error of afew percent, we estimate metallicity to within ~0.5 dex in this range.In the range -0.15 < g' - r' < 0.00 (corresponding roughly to Astars), the locus shows separation by surface gravity. In both cases, weshow that it is advantageous to use more than two colors whendetermining stellar properties by color. Strategic observations in SDSSfilters are required to resolve the source of a ~5% discrepancy betweensynthetic colors of Gunn-Stryker stars, Kurucz models, and externaldeterminations of the metallicities and surface gravities. The syntheticstar colors can be used to investigate the properties of any normal starand to construct analytic expressions for the photometric prediction ofstellar properties in special cases.

The Hyades: distance, structure, dynamics, and age
{We use absolute trigonometric parallaxes from the Hipparcos Catalogueto determine individual distances to members of the Hyades cluster, fromwhich the 3-dimensional structure of the cluster can be derived.Inertially-referenced proper motions are used to rediscuss distancedeterminations based on convergent-point analyses. A combination ofparallaxes and proper motions from Hipparcos, and radial velocities fromground-based observations, are used to determine the position andvelocity components of candidate members with respect to the clustercentre, providing new information on cluster membership: 13 newcandidate members within 20 pc of the cluster centre have beenidentified. Farther from the cluster centre there is a gradual mergingbetween certain cluster members and field stars, both spatially andkinematically. Within the cluster, the kinematical structure is fullyconsistent with parallel space motion of the component stars with aninternal velocity dispersion of about 0.3 km s(-1) . The spatialstructure and mass segregation are consistent with N-body simulationresults, without the need to invoke expansion, contraction, rotation, orother significant perturbations of the cluster. The quality of theindividual distance determinations permits the cluster zero-age mainsequence to be accurately modelled. The helium abundance for the clusteris determined to be Y =3D 0.26+/-0.02 which, combined with isochronemodelling including convective overshooting, yields a cluster age of625+/-50 Myr. The distance to the observed centre of mass (a conceptmeaningful only in the restricted context of the cluster memberscontained in the Hipparcos Catalogue) is 46.34+/-0.27 pc, correspondingto a distance modulus m-M=3D3.33+/-0.01 mag for the objects within 10 pcof the cluster centre (roughly corresponding to the tidal radius). Thisdistance modulus is close to, but significantly better determined than,that derived from recent high-precision radial velocity studies,somewhat larger than that indicated by recent ground-based trigonometricparallax determinations, and smaller than those found from recentstudies of the cluster convergent point. These discrepancies areinvestigated and explained. } Based on observations made with the ESAHipparcos astrometry satellite. Table~2 is also available in electronicform at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

A New and Comprehensive Determination of the Distance to Member Stars of the Hyades
This paper critiques the methods used in the past for estimating thedistances to the stars that make up the Hyades moving cluster, anddevelops one which is new and comprehensive. We develop a formalism forthe application of stochastic restrictions to the adjustment parameters(velocity components and distances) and test it on constructed clustermodels. We perform model calculations with fictitious model starclusters in which the `true' values of the input parameters (ie.positions, distances and velocity components) are therefore known. Thecomparison of the distances recovered by different methods with the trueinput distances shows our approach to be very superior to thetraditional ones that estimate distances by the method of streamparallaxes without restricting the adjustment parameters. Applying ouralgorithm to the Hyades, we assume a dispersion of 0.25 kps in eachcoordinate about a common value for the velocity components of thecluster members and a dispersion of 5pc about the distance to thecluster's centre for the distances to the stars in the cluster. Underthese stochastic restrictions, we analyse the known estimates (ie.measurements) of trigonometric parallaxes, sets of high-precision propermotion pairs and high-precision radial velocities subject to theabove-stated stochastic constraints, and as a result estimate thecluster's centre to be at a distance of 45.8+/-1.25 (standard error) pc.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Determination of atmospheric parameters of T Tauri stars.
The inferred effective temperatures (T_eff_) and surface gravities(logg) of T Tauri stars (TTS) are usually contaminated by the presenceof a non stellar continuum emission (veiling) and the strongchromospheric activity characteristic of these objects. In this work, wedevelop a method to determine T_eff_'s and surface gravities of a groupof TTS. This method is based on the comparison between observed andtheoretical molecular and atomic line depth ratios being thereforeinsensitive to the influence of veiling. We show the strong dependenceof our line depth ratios upon gravity and temperature. The resultinggravities, as expected for TTS, average between the values of dwarf andgiant stars. Previously published gravities for each of our stars varywidely due in part to the differences in the adopted visual extinction,veiling (if ever considered) and methods of assessing the stellarluminosity. Our values of T_eff_ and logg have the uniqueness of beingentirely derived from high resolution data and are not affected bycircumstellar extinction or veiling. They therefore serve as morereliable input parameters for future spectral synthesis analyses of TTauri stars requiring model atmospheres. We provide a table relatingtheoretical line depth ratios with T_eff_ and log g for easy assessmentof TTS fundamental parameters.

ROSAT All-Sky Survey Observations of the Hyades Cluster
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJ...448..683S&db_key=AST

The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars
The Henry Draper Extension Charts (HDEC), published in the form offinding charts, provide spectral classification for some 87000 starsmostly between 10th and 11th magnitude. This data, being highlyvaluable, as yet was practically unusable for modern computer-basedastronomy. An earlier pilot project (Roeser et al. 1991) demonstrated apossibility to convert this into a star catalogue, using measurements ofcartesian coordinates of stars on the charts and positions of theAstrographic Catalogue (AC) for subsequent identification. We presenthere a final HDEC catalogue comprising accurate positions, propermotions, magnitudes and spectral classes for 86933 stars of the HenryDraper Extension Charts.

Photometric discriminate for GK dwarfs of disk populations
The young and old disk populations, with ages respectively less than andgreater than about 2 x 109 yr, are separated in the (R - I,42 - 45) plane, where the 42 - 45 index of the DDO system is based onbandpasses of 75 A half-width and effective wavelengths of 4257 and 4571A. A similar, but smaller separation is seen in the (g,B2 - VI) planewhere g is the Geneva system alternative to 42 - 45 but with bandpassesof 175 A half-width and effective wavelengths of 4015 and 4476 A.Although models, based on the assumption that this separation resultsfrom a veil of weak metal lines (Magain 1983), may explain thesephenomena in the (g,B2 - VI) plane for the hotter stars, more models arerequired to test it for the DDO system and for cooler objects. Theavailable evidence suggests that an additional causation, probablyconnected with the CN abundance, also exists.

Coronal X-ray emission and rotation of cool main-sequence stars
We analyze the coronal X-ray emission of single main sequence stars ofspectral type F through M with photometrically (CaII H+K or broad-bandphotometry) determined rotation periods, using X-ray data from the ROSATall-sky-survey. Our sample contains both field stars in the solarneighborhood and members of the Pleiades and Hyades open clusters. Fieldstars and members of the two young open clusters follow the samerotation-activity relation, i.e., we find no intrinsic dependence ofcoronal activity on age. Assuming a power law relationship betweencoronal X-ray emission and stellar rotation, we estimate a power lawindex close to unity. With a high level of confidence (alpha = 0.99), wefind a qualitative change in behavior around Rossby number valuesR0 approximately equals 1. For R0 greater than 1,coronal activity drops more rapidly with increasing Rossby number as forR0 less than 1. Assuming an exponential relation between theLx/Lbol ratios and Rossby number, R0approximately equals 1/3 is the characteristic Rossby number for a dropof X-ray activity.

Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update.
An updated version of my catalogue of radio stars is presented. Somestatistics and availability are discussed.

Coronal X-ray sources in the Hyades: A 40 kilosecond ROSAT pointing
We present results of a 40 ks ROSAT pointed observation of the Hyadescluster. The limiting Lx is approximately = 2 x1027 ergs/sec at field center, increasing to approximately =2 x 1028 ergs/sec at 40 min off-axis. This represents themost sensitive X-ray observation to date in the Hyades region. More than30 sources have been detected in the Position Sensitive ProportionalCounter (PSPC) standard processing, of which 15 are Hyades members, fiveare cluster candidates that are likely non-members, four are foregroundor background stars, and the remainder are unidentified. One Hyad, VB173 (= VA 276), lies in a confused region, but is detected as a distinctsource in the soft band only (E approximately less than 0.5 keV). Wereport upper limits for four other Hyades members in our field, all Mdwarfs. Of the 16 Hyades detections, two represent the opticallyfaintest members seen to date in X-rays; VA 260 (V = 16.68) and VA 368(V = 16.25). These are both M dwarfs of mass approximately = 0.15-0.2solar mass and are fully convective stars according to current theory.Analysis of X-ray light curves using 1 ks bins indicates somevariability in the strongest sources and a possible flare in VA 383. TwoHyades stars, VB 141 and VB 71, were also detected with the co-alignedWide Field Camera (WFC) EUV instrument. VB 141, the second brightestX-ray source in the Hyades, remains an enigma: a rapidly rotating FOstar with a fainter, long-period companion, this object has an X-rayspectrum indicative of strong coronal activity. X-ray pulse-heightanalysis demonstrates that coronal models with at least two temperaturesare required for most of the stronger X-ray sources. The ROSAT X-rayspectra generally require higher temperatures for the hotter componentin the M dwarfs compared to the F-G dwarfs.

ROSAT X-ray luminosity functions of the Hyades dK and dM stars
Long-duration ROSAT PSPC pointed observations of the Hyades open starcluster are performed. The Hyades dK and XLFs from the presentobservations are compared with published Einstein dK/dM XLFs. The HyadesdK binaries have significantly higher L(X) than the Hyades dK stars.However, all these binaries have relatively long periods (greater thanabout 1 yr), and hence the L(X) levels cannot be attributed to theenhanced activity expected in short-period, 'BY Dra-type' systems. It isalso shown that the effect cannot be due simply to the summedluminosities of the component stars.

Low-Mass Stars in the Hyades
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993MNRAS.265..785R&db_key=AST

The low mass Hyades and the evaporation of clusters
The 135 single stars and 85 binary systems, redder than R-I = +0.34 magand brighter than V = 17 mag, between alpha = 3.75 h and 5.0 h and delta= +5 deg and + 25 deg show a luminosity function that differsconsiderably from that of the general field stars within 20 pc of theSun. The ratio of double star components to single cluster membersincreases markedly with decreasing luminosity. Forty-three single starsand 16 binary systems that are members of the Hyades supercluster within20 pc of the Sun show the same luminosity function as the field stars inthat region. Fifty percent of the cluster members and 40 percent of thesupercluster members are components of binary stars. The equivalentwidths of H-alpha appear to support a range of ages (approximately 8 to16 x 108 yr) for the cluster stars and demonstrate that theoldest objects are in the supercluster. A list of cluster members, whichmay include the end of the stable main sequence, but for which accurate(R-I) photometry is not available, is included. The half-dozen knownparallax stars of the faintest luminosity contain at least onesupercluster member, TVLM 868-110639, which is probably beyond thestable, nuclear burning main sequence as a 'transitional' or 'brown'dwarf.

Intensity of Cah Lines in Cool Dwarfs
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1993A&AS..101..409B

Proper motions from Schmidt plates. II - The Hyades
COSMOS scans of photographic plates taken by the Palomar Oschin Schmidttelescope and by the UK Schmidt telescope are used to obtain propermotions for about 450,000 stars within a 112-sq-deg region covering partof the Hyades luster. With epoch differences of 33 to 37 yr, propermotions accurate to 6-12 milliarcsec/yr are obtained, and 393 candidateHyades to a limiting magnitude of about 15.5, including at least two newwhite dwarf candidates, are identified. The main-sequence luminosityfunction determined from this sample is similar to that defined by localfield stars, with a broad maximum at about +12. Both the line-of-sightand surface density distributions show evidence for significant masssegregation; the overall proper motion distribution suggests a tightcore centered within a much broader distribution. A total mass of410-480 solar masses and a gravitational binding radius of about 10.5 pcare derived.

Four colour and H-beta photometry for low mass members in open clusters. II - The Hyades
Photoelectric uvby and H-beta photometry has been obtained for 28low-mass members in the Hyades cluster. The stars observed are G and Ktype stars of the lower main sequence with colors up to (b-y) = 0.8 mag,selected from the proper motion study of Van Altena (1969) with highprobability of membership. Their position in the related four color andH-beta photometric diagrams is discussed. The derived values for thedistance modulus and metallicity are compatible with the common acceptedvalues for this cluster. The c1-(b-y) plane shows the persistence of theHyades anomaly in the G star range, disappearing for late G and Kspectral types. This result is in good agreement with previous resultsobtained by the authors for the Praesepe star cluster.

A study of the stellar population in the Chamaeleon dark clouds
The properties of the stellar population in the Chamaeleon dark cloudsare discussed. Spectral energy distributions, based on the extantphotometric and spectroscopic data base and IRAS fluxes measured fromcoadded data taken at the position of each star, and spectral typesallow placement of the stars in an H-R diagram. The age and massdistributions and the luminosity function for the Chamaeleon stars arecompared to those in the Taurus-Auriga dark clouds and are found to besimilar. A small subsample (eight of 36) of the Chamaeleon stars showunusual spectral energy distributions which seem best interpreted asarising from circumstellar disks whose inner regions (R(in)) is lessthan 30-50 stellar radii) area devoid of material. The X-ray propertiesof this sample of premain-sequence objects are compared to those ofother premain-sequence samples, as well as to the Hyades and thePleiades main-sequence stars.

Theoretical colours and isochrones for some Hubble Space Telescope colour systems. II
A grid of synthetic surface brightness magnitudes for 14 bandpasses ofthe Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Camera is presented, as well asa grid of UBV, uvby, and Faint Object Camera surface brightnessmagnitudes derived from the Gunn-Stryker spectrophotometric atlas. Thesynthetic colors are used to examine the transformations between theground-based Johnson UBV and Stromgren uvby systems and the Faint ObjectCamera UBV and uvby. Two new four-color systems, similar to theStromgren system, are proposed for the determination of abundance,temperature, and surface gravity. The synthetic colors are also used tocalculate color-magnitude isochrones from the list of theoretical tracksprovided by VandenBerg and Bell (1990). It is shown that by using theappropriate filters it is possible to minimize the dependence of thiscolor difference on metallicity. The effects of interstellar reddeningon various Faint Object Camera colors are analyzed as well as theobservational requirements for obtaining data of a given signal-to-noisefor each of the 14 bandpasses.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:04h23m25.28s
Apparent magnitude:10.562
Distance:47.438 parsecs
Proper motion RA:123
Proper motion Dec:-31
B-T magnitude:11.941
V-T magnitude:10.676

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 285749
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1264-902-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1050-01243520
HIPHIP 20485

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