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A Study of the Distribution of Star-forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies by Means of Hα Imaging Observations We performed Hα imaging observations of 22 luminous infraredgalaxies to investigate how the distribution of star-forming regions inthese galaxies is related to galaxy interactions. Based on correlationdiagrams between Hα flux and continuum emission for individualgalaxies, a sequence for the distribution of star-forming regions wasfound: very compact (~100 pc) nuclear starbursts with almost nostar-forming activity in the outer regions (type 1), dominant nuclearstarbursts <~1 kpc in size with a negligible contribution from theouter regions (type 2), nuclear starbursts >~1 kpc in size with asignificant contribution from the outer regions (type 3), and extendedstarbursts with relatively faint nuclei (type 4). These classes ofstar-forming regions were found to be strongly related to globalstar-forming properties, such as star formation efficiency, far-infraredcolor, and dust extinction. There was a clear tendency for the objectswith more compact distributions of star-forming regions to show a higherstar formation efficiency and hotter far-infrared color. An appreciablefraction of the sample objects were dominated by extended starbursts(type 4), which is unexpected in the standard scenario ofinteraction-induced starburst galaxies. We also found that thedistribution of star-forming regions was weakly but clearly related togalaxy morphology: severely disturbed objects had a more concentrateddistribution of star-forming regions. This suggests that the propertiesof galaxy interactions, such as dynamical phase and orbital parameters,play a more important role than the internal properties of progenitorgalaxies, such as dynamical structure or gas mass fraction. We alsodiscuss the evolution of the distribution of star-forming regions ininteracting galaxies.
| A new catalogue of ISM content of normal galaxies We have compiled a catalogue of the gas content for a sample of 1916galaxies, considered to be a fair representation of ``normality''. Thedefinition of a ``normal'' galaxy adopted in this work implies that wehave purposely excluded from the catalogue galaxies having distortedmorphology (such as interaction bridges, tails or lopsidedness) and/orany signature of peculiar kinematics (such as polar rings,counterrotating disks or other decoupled components). In contrast, wehave included systems hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) in thecatalogue. This catalogue revises previous compendia on the ISM contentof galaxies published by \citet{bregman} and \citet{casoli}, andcompiles data available in the literature from several small samples ofgalaxies. Masses for warm dust, atomic and molecular gas, as well asX-ray luminosities have been converted to a uniform distance scale takenfrom the Catalogue of Principal Galaxies (PGC). We have used twodifferent normalization factors to explore the variation of the gascontent along the Hubble sequence: the blue luminosity (LB)and the square of linear diameter (D225). Ourcatalogue significantly improves the statistics of previous referencecatalogues and can be used in future studies to define a template ISMcontent for ``normal'' galaxies along the Hubble sequence. The cataloguecan be accessed on-line and is also available at the Centre desDonnées Stellaires (CDS).The catalogue is available in electronic form at and at the CDS via anonymousftp to\ ( or via\
| The Frequency of Active and Quiescent Galaxies with Companions: Implications for the Feeding of the Nucleus We analyze the idea that nuclear activity, either active galactic nuclei(AGNs) or star formation, can be triggered by interactions by studyingthe percentage of active, H II, and quiescent galaxies with companions.Our sample was selected from the Palomar survey and avoids selectionbiases faced by previous studies. This sample was split into fivedifferent groups, Seyfert galaxies, LINERs, transition galaxies, H IIgalaxies, and absorption-line galaxies. The comparison between the localgalaxy density distributions of the different groups showed that in mostcases there is no statistically significant difference among galaxies ofdifferent activity types, with the exception that absorption-linegalaxies are seen in higher density environments, since most of them arein the Virgo Cluster. The comparison of the percentage of galaxies withnearby companions showed that there is a higher percentage of LINERs,transition galaxies, and absorption-line galaxies with companions thanSeyfert and H II galaxies. However, we find that when we consider onlygalaxies of similar morphological types (elliptical or spiral), there isno difference in the percentage of galaxies with companions amongdifferent activity types, indicating that the former result was due tothe morphology-density effect. In addition, only small differences arefound when we consider galaxies with similar Hα luminosities. Thecomparison between H II galaxies of different Hα luminositiesshows that there is a significantly higher percentage of galaxies withcompanions among H II galaxies with L(Hα)>1039 ergss-1 than among those with L(Hα)<=1039ergs s-1, indicating that interactions increase the amount ofcircumnuclear star formation, in agreement with previous results. Thefact that we find that galaxies of different activity types have thesame percentage of companions suggests that interactions betweengalaxies is not a necessary condition to trigger the nuclear activity inAGNs. We compare our results with previous ones and discuss theirimplications.
| Nearby Optical Galaxies: Selection of the Sample and Identification of Groups In this paper we describe the Nearby Optical Galaxy (NOG) sample, whichis a complete, distance-limited (cz<=6000 km s-1) andmagnitude-limited (B<=14) sample of ~7000 optical galaxies. Thesample covers 2/3 (8.27 sr) of the sky (|b|>20deg) andappears to have a good completeness in redshift (97%). We select thesample on the basis of homogenized corrected total blue magnitudes inorder to minimize systematic effects in galaxy sampling. We identify thegroups in this sample by means of both the hierarchical and thepercolation ``friends-of-friends'' methods. The resulting catalogs ofloose groups appear to be similar and are among the largest catalogs ofgroups currently available. Most of the NOG galaxies (~60%) are found tobe members of galaxy pairs (~580 pairs for a total of ~15% of objects)or groups with at least three members (~500 groups for a total of ~45%of objects). About 40% of galaxies are left ungrouped (field galaxies).We illustrate the main features of the NOG galaxy distribution. Comparedto previous optical and IRAS galaxy samples, the NOG provides a densersampling of the galaxy distribution in the nearby universe. Given itslarge sky coverage, the identification of groups, and its high-densitysampling, the NOG is suited to the analysis of the galaxy density fieldof the nearby universe, especially on small scales.
| Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC). The positions were measuredvisually from Digitized Sky Survey images with rms uncertaintiesσ<=[(1.2")2+(θ/100)2]1/2,where θ is the major-axis diameter. We compared each galaxymeasured with the original UGC description to ensure high reliability.The full position list is available in the electronic version only.
| Accurate Positions for MCG Galaxies We have measured accurate celestial coordinates for 4741 extragalacticobjects, primarily drawn from a list of MCG galaxies with no recentlypublished accurate positions. The standard deviations in the newpositions depend slightly on the measurement method but are on the orderof 1.0" to 1.2". Standard deviations in the original MCG positions areconfirmed to be at the 1.5′-2.0′ level. These new positionswere integrated into NED in 1997 December.
| Very Wide Galaxy Pairs of the Northern and Southern Sky We present highly accurate observations of the 21 cm line of hydrogen ingalaxies made at the Arecibo and Parkes Observatories. The galaxiesobserved have been identified, through rigorous selection criteriaapplied to the CfA and SSRS catalogs, as being members of pairs withprojected separations of up to 1.5 Mpc (H0 = 75 km s-1 Mpc-1). Theseobservations form the completion of the Chengalur-Nordgren galaxy pairsample with data previously published by Chengalur, Nordgren andcolleagues. The new selection criteria used in this paper are anextension to larger projected separations of the criteria usedpreviously. Forty-nine new galaxies are observed, while H I is detectedin 41 of them. With the addition of these galaxies, the completed samplehas highly accurate H I velocities for a total of 219 galaxies.
| Groups of galaxies. III. Some empirical characteristics. Not Available
| Catalogue of HI maps of galaxies. I. A catalogue is presented of galaxies having large-scale observations inthe HI line. This catalogue collects from the literature the informationthat characterizes the observations in the 21-cm line and the way thatthese data were presented by means of maps, graphics and tables, forshowing the distribution and kinematics of the gas. It containsfurthermore a measure of the HI extension that is detected at the levelof the maximum sensitivity reached in the observations. This catalogueis intended as a guide for references on the HI maps published in theliterature from 1953 to 1995 and is the basis for the analysis of thedata presented in Paper II. The catalogue is only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp or
| Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies We present a catalogue of aperture photometry of galaxies, in UBVRI,assembled from three different origins: (i) an update of the catalogueof Buta et al. (1995) (ii) published photometric profiles and (iii)aperture photometry performed on CCD images. We explored different setsof growth curves to fit these data: (i) The Sersic law, (ii) The net ofgrowth curves used for the preparation of the RC3 and (iii) A linearinterpolation between the de Vaucouleurs (r(1/4) ) and exponential laws.Finally we adopted the latter solution. Fitting these growth curves, wederive (1) the total magnitude, (2) the effective radius, (3) the colourindices and (4) gradients and (5) the photometric type of 5169 galaxies.The photometric type is defined to statistically match the revisedmorphologic type and parametrizes the shape of the growth curve. It iscoded from -9, for very concentrated galaxies, to +10, for diffusegalaxies. Based in part on observations collected at the Haute-ProvenceObservatory.
| An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-30deg and δ=70deg. A preliminary list of 68.040 galaxies was built from extraction of35.841 digitized images of the Palomar Sky Survey (Paper I). For eachgalaxy, the basic parameters are obtained: coordinates, diameter, axisratio, total magnitude, position angle. On this preliminary list, weapply severe selection rules to get a catalog of 28.000 galaxies, wellidentified and well documented. For each parameter, a comparison is madewith standard measurements. The accuracy of the raw photometricparameters is quite good despite of the simplicity of the method.Without any local correction, the standard error on the total magnitudeis about 0.5 magnitude up to a total magnitude of B_T_=17. Significantsecondary effects are detected concerning the magnitudes: distance toplate center effect and air-mass effect.
| Dynamics of Binary Galaxies. I. Wide Pairs Abstract image available at:
| General study of group membership. II - Determination of nearby groups We present a whole sky catalog of nearby groups of galaxies taken fromthe Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database. From the 78,000 objects in thedatabase, we extracted a sample of 6392 galaxies, complete up to thelimiting apparent magnitude B0 = 14.0. Moreover, in order to considersolely the galaxies of the local universe, all the selected galaxieshave a known recession velocity smaller than 5500 km/s. Two methods wereused in group construction: a Huchra-Geller (1982) derived percolationmethod and a Tully (1980) derived hierarchical method. Each method gaveus one catalog. These were then compared and synthesized to obtain asingle catalog containing the most reliable groups. There are 485 groupsof a least three members in the final catalog.
| An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies An X-ray catalog and atlas of galaxies observed with the EinsteinObservatory imaging instruments (IPC and HRI) are presented. The catalogcomprises 493 galaxies, including targets of pointed observations, andRSA or RC2 galaxies serendipitously included in Einstein fields. A totalof 450 of these galaxies were imaged well within the instrumentalfields, resulting in 238 detections and 2123 sigma upper limits. Theother galaxies were either at the edge of the visible field of view orconfused with other X-ray sources. For these a rough measure of theirX-ray emission is also given. The atlas shows X-ray contour maps ofdetected galaxies superposed on optical photographs and givesazimuthally averaged surface brightness profiles of galaxies detectedwith a high signal-to-noise ratio.
| Velocity differences in binary galaxies. I - Suggestions for a nonmonotonic, two-component distribution A compilation of published high-precision velocities for 107 isolatedgalaxies is presented and used to obtain the distribution function oftheir velocity differences. The distribution shows a peak at the zerodifference as expected, but it also exhibits a preference for valuesnear 72 km/2. The distribution function declines smoothly beyond about72 km/s, with no significant peaks at multiples of 72 km/s, as claimedby Tifft (1977, 1980, 1982). It is argued that criteria for selectionprocedures on binary galaxy samples which are defined on the basis oftoo narrow a projected separation in the sky can produce a nonmonotonicdistribution if the orbits are eccentric. Such orbits can produce astrong secondary peak only if the level of incompleteness inbinary-galaxy samples is quite high, suggesting that the presentstatistical estimates of the masses of binary galaxies should bereevaluated.
| The far-infrared properties of the CfA galaxy sample. I - The catalog IRAS flux densities are presented for all galaxies in the Center forAstrophysics magnitude-limited sample (mB not greater than 14.5)detected in the IRAS Faint Source Survey (FSS), a total of 1544galaxies. The detection rate in the FSS is slightly larger than in thePSC for the long-wavelength 60- and 100-micron bands, but improves by afactor of about 3 or more for the short wavelength 12- and 25-micronbands. This optically selected sample consists of galaxies which are, onaverage, much less IR-active than galaxies in IR-selected samples. Itpossesses accurate and complete redshift, morphological, and magnitudeinformation, along with observations at other wavelengths.
| Properties of the redshift. I - Data and calibrations Data at 21 cm are presented for 100 galaxies intended to be used forsystem comparisons between the NRAO 140 and 300 foot telescope and the100 m Effelsberg telescope. Data from the 300 foot telescope are alsogiven for galaxies selected for overlap comparisons with older studies.Flux calibrations and measurement uncertainties in flux, redshifts,profile width, and profile shape are discussed.
| A redshift survey toward a proposed void of galaxies suggested by the distribution of Abell clusters A program of redshift measurements was carried out in a region of thesky in which a relative under-density of Abell clusters had been used toinfer the presence of a large (diameter about 40/h Mpc) void in thegeneral galaxy distribution. The purpose of this study was toinvestigate whether the large-scale distribution of galaxies is tracedby the distribution of rich clusters. Redshifts are presented for 308galaxies in the Zwicky Catalog in a 234 square degree region centered onR.A. about 2h, Decl. about 12 deg of which 229 have been newly measured.These data reveal a pattern of filamentary structure alternating withvoids of characteristic diameter about 25-30/h Mpc, throughout thevolume sampled. While the redshift data reveal an underdensity in thedistribution of galaxies in the general region suggested by the Abellcluster distribution, they do not support the existence there of a 40/hMpc diameter void.
| Quantization of redshift differences in isolated galaxy pairs Improved 21 cm data on isolated galaxy pairs are presented whicheliminate questions of inhomogeneity in the data on such pairs andreduce observational error to below 5 km/s. Quantization is sharpened,and the 'zero' peak is shown to be displaced from zero to a locationnear 24 km/s. An exclusion principle is suggested whereby identicalredshifts are forbidden in limited volumes. The radio data and data fromSchweizer (1987) are combined with the best optical data on closeKarachentsev pairs to provide a cumulative sample of 84 of the bestdifferentials now available. New 21 cm observations are used to test forthe presence of small differentials in very wide pairs, and thedeficiency near zero is found to continue to very wide spacings. A lossof wide pairs by selection bias cannot produce the observed zerodeficiency. A new test using pairs selected from the Fisher-Tullycatalog is used to demonstrate quantization properties of thirdcomponents associated with possible pairs.
| Formation of leading spiral arms in retrograde galaxy encounters The formation of spiral structures in retrograde galaxy encounters wasstudied theoretically and with N-body simulations. A one-armed leadingspiral dominates in a disk if the tidal perturbation from the retrogradecompanion is large enough, and the disk is surrounded by a massive halo.The leading arm is made up of particles in slightly elongated orbits,the turning points of which outline the arm. The orbits precess in sucha way that the arm structure survives while it rotates in the oppositesense to the disk rotation. From the literature it is found that veryfew spirals in a sample of galaxies with a large companion have leadingspiral arms. A possible reason for this is that very few spiral galaxieshave a halo with larger mass than the disk mass.
| Cosmology from a galaxy group catalog. I - Binaries A new, completely objective group-finding algorithm is described andapplied to the CfA redshift catalog. The binary galaxies are isolatedfor analysis. The assumptions underlying the analysis are (1) that lighttraces mass, (2) that our binary galaxy subsets are representative lighttracers, and (3) that the binary orbits are circular. The primary resultof the work is that the resulting bias-free binary catalogs are afunction of the assumed cosmological model. For virtually any inputvalue of Omega(0) in the range 0.01-5.00, there is a reasonablyconsistent interpretation of the CfA survey such that the specifiedvalue of Omega(0) can be derived from the binary sample obtained underthat interpretation. A secondary result is that the higher the inputvalue of Omega(0), the broader the intrinsic distribution in M/L, andhence the less valid the assumption that light traces mass.
| Neutral hydrogen in small groups of galaxies Neutral hydrogen in 36 pairs and small groups of galaxies was studiedusing the Arecibo radio telescope. Potential groups were selected fromthe Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies of Nilson (1973) by a simplealgorithm with the aims of determining or improving redshifts forgalaxies in possible groups and of mapping some of the larger galaxiesto determine their internal dynamics. The H I spectra are examined indetail and problems of confusion in these and previous observations areaddressed. A simple analysis of the groups' mean dynamical mass suggeststhat the mass determined from the galaxies' rotation is sufficient tobind them, but there may be important unmodeled selection orcontamination problems. A simple method for estimating errors of H Ivelocity measurements is also derived.
| The Malmquist bias and the value of H0 from the Tully-Fisher relation A large sample (n = 395) of spiral (Sab to Sd type) galaxies havingcorrected apparent magnitudes B-zero-sub-T and 21-cm line data (HI linewidths and radial velocities) is used to investigate in a new way theinfluence of the Malmquist bias on the determination of theextragalactic distance scale and the Hubble constant derived from theapplication of the B-band Tully-Fisher relation. This effect is clearlyidentified by using relative kinematic distances derived from aclassical local velocity field model and the concept of normalizedrelative kinematic distance. It results in an unbiased estimate of theHubble constant H0 which appears quite insensitive to the parameters(mean velocity of Virgo and infall velocity of the Local Group towardVirgo) adapted for the local velocity field model. A similar effect isfound from a sample of galaxies (n = 72) which are 'sosies' of 14primary galaxies. It is suggested that the presently derived H0represents the global value of the Hubble constant.
| Sense of rotation in 109 spirals, and the leading arms in the interacting galaxies NGC 3786 and NGC 5426 From analysis of 132 spiral galaxies, designed to determine the sense ofwinding of the arms, 107 are reliably found to have trailing arms, buttwo others, NGC 3786 (paired with the spiral NGC 3788) and NGC 5426(paired with NGC 5427), have leading arms. The sample of galaxies havinga well-established sense of spiral rotation now totals 190; the arms areleading in only four of these, all objects interacting dynamically withcompanion galaxies. A mechanism that might have induced such leadingspiral patterns is suggested and discussed.
| An apparent increase of the Hubble constant with velocities of the determining galaxies A study is conducted of the variation of the Hubble constant derivedfrom the Bottinelli et al. (1983) version of the Tully-Fisher relationwith respect to kinematic distances D(v) in an infall model towardVirgo. The sample of 256 galaxies used encompasses types Sab to Sd. Itis noted that, before or after correction of the type effect, the Hubbleconstant increases from approximately log H(0) of 1.78 at D(v) of 250km/sec to 2.08 at 5000 km/sec. Attention is given to such differentpossible explanations for this as galactic extinction, the Malmquistbias, TF relation slope, and an inadequate model.
| Enhanced radio emission in binary spiral galaxies A comparison is conducted between the radio emission characteristics ofa sample of isolated pairs of spiral galaxies and those of a sample ofisolated spiral galaxies for which complete distance information isavailable. It is noted that double galaxy total emission is, on average,a factor of 2 more powerful than that of isolated spiral galaxies ofcomparable luminosity. The radio emission enhancement in these doublegalaxies is correlated with a tidal index, in keeping with a tidalorigin for the enhancement.
| H I line studies of galaxies. III - Distance moduli of 822 disk galaxies The distance scale established on the basis of a distance moduli catalog(for 822 galaxies) that was derived from 21-cm line widths via theB-band Tully-Fisher relation is compared with several independent scaleshaving a common zero point, that are based on the indicators forluminosity index, redshift, ring diameters, brightest superassociations,and effective diameters. These are in excellent systematic agreement,and confirm the linearity of the H I scale in the 24-35 modulusinterval, but indicate a small systematic zero point difference of about0.2 mag, which must be added to the H I moduli to place them on the same'short' distance scale defined by the others.
| A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV - The data The complete list of the best available radial velocities for the 2401galaxies in the merged Zwicky-Nilson catalog brighter than 14.5mz and with b (II) above +40 deg or below -30 deg ispresented. Almost 60 percent of the redshifts are from the CfA surveyand are accurate to typically 35 km/s.
| 5-GHz survey of bright galaxies. Abstract image available at:
| Bibliography on the structure of galaxies. Not Available
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