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Classifications of the Host Galaxies of Supernovae, Set III A homogeneous sample comprising host galaxies of 604 recent supernovae,including 212 objects discovered primarily in 2003 and 2004, has beenclassified on the David Dunlap Observatory system. Most SN 1991bg-likeSNe Ia occur in E and E/Sa galaxies, whereas the majority of SN1991T-like SNe Ia occur in intermediate-type galaxies. This differenceis significant at the 99.9% level. As expected, all types of SNe II arerare in early-type galaxies, whereas normal SNe Ia occur in all Hubbletypes. This difference is significant at the 99.99% level. A smallnumber of SNe II in E galaxies might be due to galaxy classificationerrors or to a small young-population component in these mainly oldobjects. No significant difference is found between the distributionsover the Hubble type of SNe Ibc and SNe II. This confirms that both ofthese types of objects have similar (massive) progenitors. The presentdata show that in order to understand the dependence of supernova typeon host-galaxy population, it is more important to obtain accuratemorphological classifications than it is to increase the size of thedata sample.
| Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus. V. On the origin of bulges We investigate the scaling relations of bulge and disk structuralparameters for a sample of 108 disk galaxies. Structural parameters ofindividual galaxies are obtained from two-dimensional bulge/diskdecomposition of their H-band surface brightness distributions. Bulgesare modelled with a generalized exponential (Sérsic) withvariable integer shape index n. We find that bulge effectivescalelengths reB and luminosity MBincrease with increasing n, but disk properties are independent of bulgeshape. As Hubble type T increases, bulges become less luminous and theirmean effective surface brightness <μeB>gets fainter; disk <μeD> shows a similar,but much weaker, trend. When bulge parameters(<μeB>, reB,MB) are compared with disk ones(<μeD>, reD,MD), they are tightly correlated for n=1 bulges. Thecorrelations gradually worsen with increasing n such that n=4 bulgesappear virtually independent of their disks. The Kormendy relation,<μeB> vs. reB, isshown to depend on bulge shape n; the two parameters are tightlycorrelated in n=4 bulges (r=0.8), and increasingly less so as ndecreases; disk <μeD> andreD are well correlated (r=0.7). Bulge-to-disksize ratios reB/reD areindependent of Hubble type, but smaller for exponential bulges; the meanreB/reD for n=1 bulges is 4times smaller than that for n=4, with a spread which is 9 times smaller.Strongly barred SB galaxies with exponential bulges are more luminousthan their unbarred counterparts. Exponential bulges appear to beclosely related to their underlying disks, while bulges with higher nvalues are less so; n=4 bulges and their disks apparently have norelation. We interpret our results as being most consistent with asecular evolutionary scenario, in which dissipative processes in thedisk are responsible for building up the bulges in most spirals.Based on observations at the TIRGO, NOT, and VATT telescopes. TIRGO(Gornergrat, CH) is operated by IRA-CNR, Arcetri, Firenze. NOT (LaPalma, Canary Islands) is operated by NOTSA, the Nordic ObservatoryScientific Association. VATT (Mt. Graham, AZ) is operated by VORG, theVatican Observatory Research Group.Full Table 1 is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via
| Supernovae 2003gn, 2003go, 2003gp, 2003gq. Not Available
| The UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog We apply a friends-of-friends algorithm to the combined Updated ZwickyCatalog and Southern Sky Redshift Survey to construct a catalog of 1168groups of galaxies; 411 of these groups have five or more members withinthe redshift survey. The group catalog covers 4.69 sr, and all groupsexceed the number density contrast threshold, δρ/ρ=80. Wedemonstrate that the groups catalog is homogeneous across the twounderlying redshift surveys; the catalog of groups and their membersthus provides a basis for other statistical studies of the large-scaledistribution of groups and their physical properties. The medianphysical properties of the groups are similar to those for groupsderived from independent surveys, including the ESO Key Programme andthe Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We include tables of groups and theirmembers.
| The Arizona-New Mexico Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies. I. Data for the Western End of the Perseus Supercluster We present new optical spectroscopic data for 347 galaxies in the regionof the Perseus supercluster. The new data were obtained using theSteward Observatory 2.3 m telescope and cover the whole optical window.Included are redshifts (for 345 objects), absorption-line equivalentwidths, a continuum index measuring the 4000 Å break, andemission-line flux ratios. After 11 objects are rejected for being toofaint and redshifts for 26 objects are added from the literature, wearrive at a complete sample of 361 galaxies. The distribution ofredshifts for the whole sample is examined, and we show the relationshipof the continuum index to morphology.
| Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC). The positions were measuredvisually from Digitized Sky Survey images with rms uncertaintiesσ<=[(1.2")2+(θ/100)2]1/2,where θ is the major-axis diameter. We compared each galaxymeasured with the original UGC description to ensure high reliability.The full position list is available in the electronic version only.
| The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for SC Galaxies: 21 Centimeter H I Line Data A compilation of 21 cm line spectral parameters specifically designedfor application of the Tully-Fisher (TF) distance method is presentedfor 1201 spiral galaxies, primarily field Sc galaxies, for which opticalI-band photometric imaging is also available. New H I line spectra havebeen obtained for 881 galaxies. For an additional 320 galaxies, spectraavailable in a digital archive have been reexamined to allow applicationof a single algorithm for the derivation of the TF velocity widthparameter. A velocity width algorithm is used that provides a robustmeasurement of rotational velocity and permits an estimate of the erroron that width taking into account the effects of instrumental broadeningand signal-to-noise. The digital data are used to establish regressionrelations between measurements of velocity widths using other commonprescriptions so that comparable widths can be derived throughconversion of values published in the literature. The uniform H I linewidths presented here provide the rotational velocity measurement to beused in deriving peculiar velocities via the TF method.
| The I-Band Tully-Fisher Relation for SC Galaxies: Optical Imaging Data Properties derived from the analysis of photometric I-band imagingobservations are presented for 1727 inclined spiral galaxies, mostly oftypes Sbc and Sc. The reduction, parameter extraction, and errorestimation procedures are discussed in detail. The asymptotic behaviorof the magnitude curve of growth and the radial variation in ellipticityand position angle are used in combination with the linearity of thesurface brightness falloff to fit the disk portion of the profile. TotalI-band magnitudes are calculated by extrapolating the detected surfacebrightness profile to a radius of eight disk scale lengths. Errors inthe magnitudes, typically ~0.04 mag, are dominated by uncertainties inthe sky subtraction and disk-fitting procedures. Comparison is made withthe similar imaging database of Mathewson, Ford, & Buchhorn, both aspresented originally by those authors and after reanalyzing theirdigital reduction files using identical disk-fitting procedures. Directcomparison is made of profile details for 292 galaxies observed incommon. Although some differences occur, good agreement is found,proving that the two data sets can be used in combination with onlyminor accommodation of those differences. The compilation of opticalproperties presented here is optimized for use in applications of theTully-Fisher relation as a secondary distance indicator in studies ofthe local peculiar velocity field.
| Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus. I. vec H-band surface photometry of 174 spiral We present near-infrared, H-band (1.65 $() μm), surface photometry of174 spiral galaxies in the area of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. Theimages, acquired with the ARNICA camera mounted on various telescopes,are used to derive radial profiles of surface brightness, ellipticities,and position angles, together with global parameters such as H-bandmagnitudes and diameters Radial profiles in tabular form and images FITSfiles are also available upon request from}.The mean relation between H-band isophotal diameter D_{21.5} and theB-band D25 implies a B-H color of the outer disk bluer than3.5; moreover, D_{21.5}/D25 depends on (global) color andabsolute luminosity. The correlations among the various photometricparameters suggest a ratio between isophotal radius D_{21.5}/2 and diskscale length of ~ m3.5 and a mean disk central brightness ~ meq 17.5H-mag arcsec^{-2}. We confirm the trend of the concentration indexC31$ with absolute luminosity and, to a lesser degree, withmorphological type. We also assess the influence of non-axisymmetricstructures on the radial profiles and on the derived parameters. Basedon observations at the TIRGO, NOT, and VATT telescopes. TIRGO(Gornergrat, CH) is operated by CAISMI-CNR, Arcetri, Firenze. NOT (LaPalma, Canary Islands) is operated by NOTSA, the Nordic ObservatoryScientific Association. VATT (Mt. Graham, Az) is operated by VORG, theVatican Observatory Research Group Table 3 and Fig. 4 are only availablein electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to or via
| Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus. III. Global scaling relations of disks and bulges We determine the parameters of scaling relations analogous to theFundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies for the bulges and disks of asample of 40 spiral galaxies. To this end we derive structuralparameters (scalelengths and surface brightnesses) from near infrared Hband images, and kinematical parameters (rotational velocities) fromoptical rotation curves. In the case of the disks, we test the accuracyof the derived relation as a distance indicator by comparing its scatterto that of the H band Tully-Fisher relation for the same sample, andfind that the accuracy attained by the latter is slightly higher (thedispersion is 19% versus 23% for this sample). It is speculated that thedifference is due to the more robust character of global parameters,rather than those associated with the inner parts of disks. It alsoapperas that (a) either the stellar mass-to-light ratios of bulge anddisk increase with the size of the components, or (b) the bulge and diskrelative contributions to the overall rotation of the galaxy (and, as aconsequence, to its total mass) become steadily smaller with increasingsize.
| Extensive Spiral Structure and Corotation Resonance Spiral density wave theories demand that grand-design spiral structurebe bounded, at most, between the inner and outer Lindblad resonances ofthe spiral pattern. The corotation resonance lies between the outer andthe inner Lindblad resonances. The locations of the resonances are atradii whose ratios to each other are rather independent of the shape ofthe rotation curve. The measured ratio of outer to inner extent ofspiral structure for a given spiral galaxy can be compared to thestandard ratio of corotation to inner Lindblad resonance radius. In thecase that the measured ratio far exceeds the standard ratio, it islikely that the corotation resonance is within the bright optical disk.Studying such galaxies can teach us how the action of resonances sculptsthe appearance of spiral disks. This paper reports observations of 140disk galaxies, leading to resonance ratio tests for 109 qualified spiralgalaxies. It lists candidates that have a good chance of having thecorotation resonance radius within the bright optical disk.
| Galaxy Alignments in the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster Revisited A search for preferential galaxy alignments in the Pisces-PerseusSupercluster (PPS) is made using the Minnesota Automated Plate ScannerPisces-Perseus Survey (MAPS-PP). The MAPS-PP is a catalog of ~1400galaxies with a (roughly) isophotal diameter greater than 30"constructed from digitized scans of the blue and red plates of thePalomar Observatory Sky Survey covering the PPS. This is the largestsample of galaxies applied to a search of galaxy alignments in thissupercluster, and it has been used in combination with previouslypublished redshifts to construct the deepest PPS galaxy luminosityfunction to date. While previous studies have relied extensively oncatalogs with visually estimated parameters for both sample selectionand determination of galaxy orientation, the MAPS-PP uses selectioncriteria and measurements that are entirely machine and computer based.Therefore, it is not susceptible to some of the biases, such as thediameter inclination effect, known to exist in some other galaxycatalogs. The presence of anisotropic galaxy distributions is determinedby use of the Kuiper statistic, a robust alternative to the chi^2statistic more traditionally used in these studies. Three statisticallysignificant anisotropic distributions are observed. The reddest galaxiesare observed to be oriented preferentially perpendicular to the locallarge-scale structure. The bluest galaxies near the supercluster planeare observed to have an anisotropic position angle distribution.Finally, a weak trend for the median position angle of color-selectedgalaxy subsamples to ``twist'' with increasing distance from the PPSplane is observed. These position angle distribution anisotropies areweak and are not consistent with any single primordial or modern-eragalaxy alignment mechanism, although a mixture of such mechanisms is notruled out.
| Homogeneous Velocity-Distance Data for Peculiar Velocity Analysis. III. The Mark III Catalog of Galaxy Peculiar Velocities This is the third in a series of papers in which we assemble and analyzea homogeneous catalog of peculiar velocity data. In Papers I and II, wedescribed the Tully-Fisher (TF) redshift-distance samples thatconstitute the bulk of the catalog and our methodology for obtainingmutually consistent TF calibrations for these samples. In this paper, wesupply further technical details of the treatment of the data andpresent a subset of the catalog in tabular form. The full catalog, knownas the Mark III Catalog of Galaxy Peculiar Velocities, is available inaccessible on-line databases, as described herein. The electroniccatalog incorporates not only the TF samples discussed in Papers I andII but also elliptical galaxy Dn- sigma samples originally presentedelsewhere. The relative zero pointing of the elliptical and spiral datasets is discussed here. The basic elements of the Mark III Catalog arethe observables for each object (redshift, magnitude, velocity width,etc.) and inferred distances derived from the TF or Dn- sigma relations.Distances obtained from both the forward and inverse TF relations aretabulated for the spirals. Malmquist bias--corrected distances arecomputed for each catalog object using density fields obtained from theIRAS 1.2 Jy redshift survey. Distances for both individual objects andgroups are provided. A variety of auxiliary data, including distancesand local densities predicted from the IRAS redshift surveyreconstruction method, are tabulated as well. We study the distributionsof TF residuals for three of our samples and conclude that they are wellapproximated as Gaussian. However, for the Mathewson et al. sample wedemonstrate a significant decrease in TF scatter with increasingvelocity width. We test for, but find no evidence of, a correlationbetween TF residuals and galaxy morphology. Finally, we derivetransformations that map the apparent magnitude and velocity width datafor each spiral sample onto a common system. This permits theapplication of analysis methods that assume that a unique TF relationdescribes the entire sample.
| Optical Rotation Curves and Linewidths for Tully-Fisher Applications Abstract image available at:
| Deep r-Band Photometry for Northern Spiral Galaxies We present r-band surface photometry for 349 northern Sb-Sc UGCgalaxies, from a total of 627 CCD images. For each galaxy, we presentsurface brightness profiles, isophotal and total magnitudes, isophotalradii, and structural parameters from exponential fits to the disk. Onehundred ninety-five galaxies have been observed more than once. Allnights with a photometric transformation scatter greater than 0.022 magwere rejected. Sky errors are investigated carefully and yield profilesthat are reliable down to 26 r mag arcsec^-2^, Deep isophotal magnitudesare as accurate as +/-0.019, and extrapolated magnitudes are internallyconsistent to within 0.020. We compare visual (UGC) and CCD isophotaldiameters and show that axial ratio must be included as a thirdparameter. Comparison with the r-band CCD photometry of Kent andWillick, and accounting for sky errors, suggest typical errors for totalmagnitudes of +/-0.08. Our data are also shown to be zero-pointed on thesame Gunn r system as that of Kent and Willick. Ellipticity measurementsagree very well except for progressively face-on galaxies where spiralstructure is more conspicuous. The ellipticity internal error is lessthan 0.02, or about 3^deg^ for inclinations. Our internal extinctioncorrection implies that disks are semitransparent in their outer parts.We caution that comparison of central surface brightnesses and scalelengths is complicated by the subjective nature of their measurement;extreme care must be applied when using such quantities. We measure anapparent Freeman law of (μ_0,c_) = 20.08 +/- 0.55 r mag arcsec^-2^.This magnitude-limited sample was originally derived for studies oflarge-scale motions in the local universe. The deep CCD photometry isalso ideally suited for matching spectroscopic studies, mass modeling,galaxy structural analysis, etc.
| An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-30deg and δ=70deg. A preliminary list of 68.040 galaxies was built from extraction of35.841 digitized images of the Palomar Sky Survey (Paper I). For eachgalaxy, the basic parameters are obtained: coordinates, diameter, axisratio, total magnitude, position angle. On this preliminary list, weapply severe selection rules to get a catalog of 28.000 galaxies, wellidentified and well documented. For each parameter, a comparison is madewith standard measurements. The accuracy of the raw photometricparameters is quite good despite of the simplicity of the method.Without any local correction, the standard error on the total magnitudeis about 0.5 magnitude up to a total magnitude of B_T_=17. Significantsecondary effects are detected concerning the magnitudes: distance toplate center effect and air-mass effect.
| Periodicities in galaxy redshifts Using new data for unassociated galaxies with wide H I profiles andvalues of period and solar motion predicted by Tifft and Cocke (1984), aperiodicity has been found which is significant at the conventional 5percent level. Together with Tifft's work on galaxy pairs and smallgroups, this result appears to provide evidence in favor of thehypothesis that measured galaxy redshifts occur in steps of a littlemore than 72 km/s or a simple multiple of this period.
| A 21 CM survey of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. I - The declination zone +27.5 to +33.5 degrees Neutral-hydrogen 21 cm line data for a sample of galaxies in the regionbounded by 22 h less than R.A. less than 04h, + 27 deg 30 arcmin Dec.less than + 33 deg 30 arcmin are presented as the first installment of asurvey of galaxies in the region of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. Ofthe 415 galaxies observed in this strip with the Arecibo 305 mtelescope, 342 have been detached in the 21 cm line; another ten haveuseful upper limits to their H I content. The sample includes mostspiral, irregular, and dwarf galaxies larger than 1 arcmin; in selectedareas, spirals to a limiting magnitude of + 15.7 have been observed. Thevelocity distribution of the 511 galaxies with known redshift in thiszone deviates markedly from that expected for a similar sample ofrandomly placed objects. The region contains significant clustering inall three dimensions.
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