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Objective Classification of Spiral Galaxies Having Extended Rotation Curves Beyond the Optical Radius We carry out an objective classification of four samples of spiralgalaxies having extended rotation curves beyond the optical radius. Amultivariate statistical analysis (viz., principal component analysis[PCA]) shows that about 96% of the total variation is due to twocomponents, one being the combination of absolute blue magnitude andmaximum rotational velocity beyond the optical region and the otherbeing the central density of the halo. On the basis of PCA a fundamentalplane has been constructed that reduces the scatter in the Tully-Fisherrelation up to a maximum of 16%. A multiple stepwise regression analysisof the variation of the overall shape of the rotation curves shows thatit is mainly determined by the central surface brightness, while theshape purely in the outer part of the galaxy (beyond the optical radius)is mainly determined by the size of the galactic disk.
| Spectrophotometry of Star-forming Regions in H II Galaxies We present spectrophotometric observations of 111 H II galaxies selectedfrom various surveys. Apart from the integrated spectra, we presentemission-line fluxes and equivalent widths of different star-formingknots for 33 galaxies for which the spatial distribution of physicalproperties can be assessed. Most of the objects have been observedpreviously. We reobserved these galaxies with uniform instrumentation,and data reduction was performed with homogeneous methods. Our analysisof the quality of the data indicates that our observations reach goodsignal-to-noise ratio over the whole spectral range, allowing themeasurement of-and the inclusion of additional-low-intensity emissionlines.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory,Chile, under an agreement between the Observatório Nacional,Brazil, and the ESO.
| Stellar populations in HII galaxies We analyse the stellar content of a large number of HII galaxies fromthe continua and absorption features of their spectra using populationsynthesis methods, in order to gain information about the star formationhistories of these objects.We find that all galaxies of our sample contain an old stellarpopulation (≥1 Gyr) that dominates the stellar mass, and in amajority of these we also found evidence for an intermediate-agepopulation ≥50 Myr apart from the presently bursting, ionizing younggeneration ≤107 yr.Appendix A is only available in electronic form at
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| The Montreal Blue Galaxy Survey.III.Third List of UV-Bright Candidates We present and discuss the latest addition of the Montreal Blue Galaxy(MBG) survey. Inspection of 59 Curtis Schmidt plates resulted in theidentification of 135 new UV-bright galaxies with B < 15.5. Thisbrings the total number of MBGs to 469. New results of the V/V_m testshow that our survey is complete to B = 14.7. From our most recentspectroscopic follow-up, we confirm the discovery of one new Seyfert 1galaxy and possibly one new Seyfert 2 galaxy. We confirm also the biasof the MBG survey towards the low-excitation and metal rich StarburstNucleus Galaxies (SBNGs). The spectral characteristics of the MBGs aresimilar to those of the infrared luminous IRAS galaxies. As a commoncharacteristic, they show a mean ratio Log([NII]/Hα ) in excess of0.2 dex as compared to normal disk HII regions. In general, the MBGshave lower far-infrared luminosities (LIR < 10(11)Lsun) and are nearer (z < 0.05) than the luminous IRASgalaxies. The distribution of the morphologies of the MBGs indicates ahigh number of early-type spirals (Sb and earlier). Nearly half of thesegalaxies also possess a bar. In our sample, the fraction of galaxieswith bars depends on the morphology and increases towards the late-typespirals. However, if we consider only isolated galaxies, the late-typespirals show a clear tendency to be barred. Signs of a recentinteraction with neighbor galaxies are obvious only in 24% of ourcandidates. Although this number is only a lower limit, it isnevertheless sufficiently low to suggest that in a majority of massivegalaxies the burst of star formation do not depends solely on dynamicalprocesses.
| The Hubble Diagram for Supernovae of Type Ia. II. The Effect on the Hubble Constant of a Correlation between Absolute Magnitude and Light Decay Rate New Hubble diagrams in B and V are derived for supernovae of type Ibased on light curves from the archive literature plus 13 new lightcurves with superior modern photometry observed in the CerroTololo/University of Chile program (Hamuy et al, 1995). The sample isrestricted to SNe Ia whose light curves are defined by photometrybeginning 5 days or less after maximum light and with (B - V)max <0.5 mag. Supernovae of known type Ib or Ic are also excluded. Theresulting Hubble diagrams, extending to redshifts of 30,00 km s^- 1^,have dispersions in absolute magnitude of 0.34 mag in B and 0.33 mag inV, confirming that spectroscopically "normal" (Branch et al. 1993) SNeIa are among the best standard candles known. A solution for the slopeof the Hubble diagram gives n(B) = 0.977 +/- 0.025 and n(V) = 1.020 +/-0.024 for the exponent in ν~D^n^, proving linearity of the expansionfield to a high level. The residuals in magnitude from the ridge line ofthe Hubble diagram are compared with the light decay rate during thefirst 15 days to test the correlation between the two suggested byPskovskii and by Phillips. The strongest possible correlation using theextant data has a slope 3 times smaller than that derived by Phillips,and 2 times smaller than suggested by Hamuy et al., leading to adecrease of less than 10% in the distance scale based on the present(1995) SNe Ia calibration by means of three supernovae whose distancesare known from Cepheids in their parent galaxies. Applying the maximumpossible correction to M(max) for a Psko'vskii- Phillips effect wouldgive Hubble constants of H_0_(B)<= 54 +/- 4 km s^-1^ Mpc^-1^, andH_0_(V) <= 59 +/- 4 km s^-1^ Mpc^-1^, where the errors are internal.It is argued that the absence of measurable bias effects in the Hubblediagrams shows that the three local (nearest) SNe Ia presentlycalibrated via Cepheid distances cannot all be overluminous relative tothe average of more distant SNe. If they are underluminous, which mustbe the case by the statistics of the Malmquist effect if the largedispersion in M(max) for SNe Ia claimed by Hamuy et al. applies to thecalibrators, then the value of H_0_ = 52 km s^-1^ Mpc^-1^ given by Sahaet al. is an upper limit to the Hubble constant.
| Supernova 1994P in UGC 6983. Not Available
| Southern Galaxy Catalogue. Not Available
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