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The XMM-Newton view of the X-ray halo and jet of NGC 6251 We present an XMM-Newton observation of the radio jet and diffuse haloof the nearby radio galaxy NGC 6251. The EPIC spectrum of the galaxy'shalo is best-fitted by a thermal model with temperature kT 1.6 keVand sub-solar abundances. Interestingly, an additional hard X-raycomponent is required to fit the EPIC spectra of the halo above 3 keV,and is independently confirmed by an archival Chandra observation.However, its physical origin is not clear. Contribution from apopulation of undetected Low Mass X-ray Binaries seems unlikely.Instead, the hard X-ray component could be due to inverse Comptonscattering of the CMB photons (IC/CMB) off relativistic electronsscattered throughout the halo of the galaxy, or non-thermalbremsstrahlung emission. The IC/CMB interpretation, together with limitson the diffuse radio emission, implies a very weak magnetic field, B≪ 1 μGauss, while a non-thermal bremsstrahlung origin implies thepresence of a large number of very energetic electrons. We also detectX-ray emission from the outer (3.5') jet, confirmingprevious ROSAT findings. Both the EPIC and ACIS spectra of the jet arebest-fitted by a power law with photon index Γ 1.2, fixedGalactic column density, and 1 keV flux F1 keV=2.1 nJy. Athermal model is formally ruled out by the data. Assuming an origin ofthe X-rays from the jet via IC/CMB, as suggested by energetic arguments,and assuming equipartition implies a large Doppler factor (δ 10). Alternatively, weaker beaming is possible for magnetic fieldsseveral orders of magnitude lower than the equipartition field.
| A spectroscopic study of NGC 6251 and its companion galaxies Measurements of the velocities of galaxies thought to be associated withthe giant radio galaxy NGC 6251 confirm the presence of a poor clusterwith a systemic redshift of z=0.0244+/-0.0004 and a line-of-sightvelocity dispersion ofσz=283(+109,-52)kms-1. This suggests acluster atmosphere temperature of T=0.7(+0.6,-0.2)keV, which is notenough to confine the radio jet by gas pressure. The core of NGC 6251shows strong emission lines of [Oiii] and Hα+[Nii], but there isno evidence for line emission from the jet (detected in opticalcontinuum by Keel).
| The X-ray jet and halo of NGC 6251. A new analysis of the ROSAT PSPC data of the giant radio galaxy NGC 6251is presented. In supplement to the already published results we used anew approach to disclose the X-ray morphology of NGC 6251. We havedetected an elliptically shaped X-ray halo out to a radial distance ofabout 100kpc from the host galaxy. Moreover, we have discovered a closepositional and intensity correlation of the radio continuum radiation ofthe jet with enhanced X-ray emission. Our analysis suggests that thebulk of the X-ray photons originates from a hot (T~10^7^K) thin plasma,while Inverse-Compton scattering is not important. The X-ray plasmaassociated with the radio continuum jet is most likely confined by themagnetic lines of forces within the jet.
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