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Radio-selected Galaxies in Very Rich Clusters at z <= 0.25. I. Multiwavelength Observations and Data Reduction Techniques Radio observations were used to detect the ``active'' galaxy populationwithin rich clusters of galaxies in a nonbiased manner that is notplagued by dust extinction or the K-correction. We present wide-fieldradio, optical (imaging and spectroscopy), and ROSAT All-Sky Survey(RASS) X-ray data for a sample of 30 very rich Abell (R>=2) clusterswith z<=0.25. The VLA radio data samples the ultrafaint radio(L1.4>=2×1022 W Hz-1) galaxypopulation within these extremely rich clusters for galaxies withMR<=-21. This is the largest sample of low-luminosity 20cm radio galaxies within rich Abell clusters collected to date.The radio-selected galaxy sample represents the starburst (starformation rate >=5 Msolar yr-1) and activegalactic nuclei populations contained within each cluster. Archival andnewly acquired redshifts were used to verify cluster membership for most(~95%) of the optical identifications. Thus, we can identify all thestarbursting galaxies within these clusters, regardless of the level ofdust obscuration that would affect these galaxies being identified fromtheir optical signature. Cluster sample selection, observations, anddata reduction techniques for all wavelengths are discussed.
| Mass Profile of the Infall Region of the Abell 2199 Supercluster Using a redshift survey of 1323 galaxies (1092 new or remeasured) in aregion of 95 deg2 centered on the nearby galaxy cluster Abell2199, we analyze the supercluster containing A2199, A2197, and an X-raygroup. The caustic technique accurately reproduces the true massprofiles of simulated simple superclusters (i.e., superclusters forwhich the virial mass of one cluster is 2-10 times the virial mass ofall other clusters in the supercluster). We calculate the masses of thetwo main components of A2197 (A2197W and A2197E) by using archival X-rayobservations and demonstrate that the A2199 supercluster is simple (themass of A2199 is 5 and 12 times larger than A2197W and A2197E,respectively) and thus that the caustic technique should yield anaccurate mass profile. The masses of A2199, A2197W, and A2197E withinr500 (the radius within which the enclosed density is 500times the critical density) are 22.0, 3.8, and 1.7 times 1013h-1 Msolar, respectively. The mass profile isuncertain by ~30% within 3 h-1 Mpc and by a factor of 2within 8 h-1 Mpc and is one of only a few for a superclusteron such large scale. Independent X-ray mass estimates agree with ourresults at all radii where they overlap. The mass profile stronglydisagrees with an isothermal sphere profile but agrees with profilessuggested by simulations. We discuss the interplay of the superclusterdynamics and the dynamics of the bound subclusters. The agreementbetween the infall mass profile and other techniques shows that thecaustic technique is surprisingly robust for simple superclusters.
| The Radio Galaxy Populations of Nearby Northern Abell Clusters We report on the use of the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) to identify radiogalaxies in 18 nearby Abell clusters. The listings extend from the coresof the clusters out to radii of 3 h-175 Mpc, whichcorresponds to 1.5 Abell radii and approximately 4 orders of magnitudein galaxy density. To create a truly useful catalog, we have collectedoptical spectra for nearly all of the galaxies lacking public velocitymeasurements. Consequently, we are able to discriminate between thoseradio galaxies seen in projection on the cluster and those that are inactuality cluster members. The resulting catalog consists of 329 clusterradio galaxies plus 138 galaxies deemed foreground or backgroundobjects, and new velocity measurements are reported for 273 of theseradio galaxies. The motivation for the catalog is the study of galaxyevolution in the cluster environment. The radio luminosity function is apowerful tool in the identification of active galaxies, as it isdominated by star-forming galaxies at intermediate luminosities andactive galactic nuclei (AGNs) at higher luminosities. The flux limit ofthe NVSS allows us to identify AGNs and star-forming galaxies down tostar formation rates less than 1 Msolar yr-1. Thissensitivity, coupled with the all-sky nature of the NVSS, allows us toproduce a catalog of considerable depth and breadth. In addition tothese data, we report detected infrared fluxes and upper limits obtainedfrom IRAS data. It is hoped that this database will prove useful in anumber of potential studies of the effect of environment on galaxyevolution. Based in part on observations obtained with the Apache PointObservatory 3.5 m telescope, which is owned and operated by theAstrophysical Research Consortium (ARC).
| Seeing Galaxies through Thick and Thin. I. Optical Opacity Measures in Overlapping Galaxies We describe the use of partially overlapping galaxies to provide directmeasurements of the effective absorption in galaxy disks, independent ofassumptions about internal disk structure. The nonoverlapping parts ofthe galaxies and symmetry considerations are used to reconstruct, viadifferential photometry, how much background galaxy light is lost inpassing through the foreground disks. Extensive catalog searches andfollow-up imaging yield ~15-25 nearby galaxy pairs suitable for varyingdegrees of our analysis; 11 of the best such examples are presentedhere. From these pairs, we find that interarm extinction is modest,declining from AB~1 mag at 0.3RB25 toessentially zero by RB25; the interarm dust has ascale length consistent with that of the disk starlight. In contrast,dust in spiral arms and resonance rings may be optically thick(AB>2) at virtually any radius. Some disks have flatterextinction curves than the Galaxy, with AB/AI~1.6this is probably the signature of clumpy dust distributions. Even thoughtypical spirals are not optically thick throughout their disks, wherethey are optically thick is correlated with where they are mostluminous: in spiral arms and inner disks. This correlation betweenabsorption and emission regions may account for their apparent surfacebrightness being only mildly dependent on inclination, erroneouslyindicating that spirals are generally optically thick. Taken as anensemble, the opacities of spiral galaxies may be just great enough tosignificantly affect QSO counts, though not enough to cause theirhigh-redshift cutoff. Based in part on archival observations with theNASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) obtained at the Space TelescopeScience Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universitiesfor Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.
| An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-30deg and δ=70deg. A preliminary list of 68.040 galaxies was built from extraction of35.841 digitized images of the Palomar Sky Survey (Paper I). For eachgalaxy, the basic parameters are obtained: coordinates, diameter, axisratio, total magnitude, position angle. On this preliminary list, weapply severe selection rules to get a catalog of 28.000 galaxies, wellidentified and well documented. For each parameter, a comparison is madewith standard measurements. The accuracy of the raw photometricparameters is quite good despite of the simplicity of the method.Without any local correction, the standard error on the total magnitudeis about 0.5 magnitude up to a total magnitude of B_T_=17. Significantsecondary effects are detected concerning the magnitudes: distance toplate center effect and air-mass effect.
| Optical positions and 327 MHz flux-densities of UGC galaxies in selected Westerbork fields The study presents accurate optical positions of 421 UGC galaxies whichare used to search for 30 92-cm WSRT fields observed for emission fromthese galaxies. Good 92-cm flux densities were obtained for 140galaxies, marginal flux densities for 71 galaxies, and upper limits for210 galaxies. For 35 galaxies, spectral indices in the decimeterwavelength range are determined. The mean spectral index for spiralgalaxies (0.72 +/- 0.03) is very similar to that of elliptical galaxies(0.64 +/- 0.10). The four multiple systems in the sample have a muchflatter spectral index (-0.21 +/- 0.07), from which the presence of asignificant thermal component in their total radio emission issuggested. Comparison with IRAS results show that about half of thegalaxies detected at radio wavelengths are detected in the FIR. It isproposed that some spiral galaxies are anomalously weak in the IR ascompared with their radio brightness.
| The A2197 and A2199 galaxy clusters Seventy-four new galaxy redshifts in the A2197/A2199 region arepresented. When these are added to data in the literature, 117 galaxieswith known redshifts are found within the two clusters, and 19 galaxieswith known redshifts are found generally north of A2197. These samplesare used to determine the dynamical properties and M/L ratios for thetwo clusters and to examine the broad supercluster properties of thisregion.
| A Westerbork survey of rich clusters of galaxies. XII - Observations of A 2197 and A 2199 at 610 MHz The clusters A 2197 and A 2199 have been mapped at 610 MHz with theWSRT. 20 bright (Mp not greater than -18) cluster galaxies have beendetected and are used to construct the Radio Luminosity Functionseparately for the (E plus SO) and the (S plus I) galaxies. The RLF ofthe (E plus SO) in A 2197 is in excess compared to A 2199, the otherclusters studied in this survey and the general field. The discrepancyis strengthened further by an anomalously high percentage of emissionlines in the spectra of the detected galaxies. The RLF of the (S plus I)on the contrary is rather higher in A 2199 than in A 2197. Concerningindividual sources, no evidence is found of an extended low brightnesshalo around 3C 338, the compact double associated with the central cDgalaxy NGC 6166 in A 2199. A probable 'head-tail' galaxy has been foundin A 2197.
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