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The UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog We apply a friends-of-friends algorithm to the combined Updated ZwickyCatalog and Southern Sky Redshift Survey to construct a catalog of 1168groups of galaxies; 411 of these groups have five or more members withinthe redshift survey. The group catalog covers 4.69 sr, and all groupsexceed the number density contrast threshold, δρ/ρ=80. Wedemonstrate that the groups catalog is homogeneous across the twounderlying redshift surveys; the catalog of groups and their membersthus provides a basis for other statistical studies of the large-scaledistribution of groups and their physical properties. The medianphysical properties of the groups are similar to those for groupsderived from independent surveys, including the ESO Key Programme andthe Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We include tables of groups and theirmembers.
| 1.65 μm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. III. observations of 558 galaxies with the TIRGO 1.5 m telescope We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 μm ) surface photometry of 558galaxies in the Coma Supercluster and in the Virgo cluster. This dataset, obtained with the Arcetri NICMOS3 camera ARNICA mounted on theGornergrat Infrared Telescope, is aimed at complementing, withobservations of mostly early-type objects, our NIR survey of spiralgalaxies in these regions, presented in previous papers of this series.Magnitudes at the optical radius, total magnitudes, isophotal radii andlight concentration indices are derived. We confirm the existence of apositive correlation between the near-infrared concentration index andthe galaxy H-band luminosity Based on observations taken at TIRGO(Gornergrat, Switzerland). TIRGO is operated by CAISMI-CNR, Arcetri,Firenze, Italy. Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
| 1.65 μm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. V. Profile decomposition of 1157 galaxies We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 μm) surface brightness profiledecomposition for 1157 galaxies in five nearby clusters of galaxies:Coma, A1367, Virgo, A262 and Cancer, and in the bridge between Coma andA1367 in the ``Great Wall". The optically selected (mpg≤16.0) sample is representative of all Hubble types, from E to Irr+BCD,except dE and of significantly different environments, spanning fromisolated regions to rich clusters of galaxies. We model the surfacebrightness profiles with a de Vaucouleurs r1/4 law (dV), withan exponential disk law (E), or with a combination of the two (B+D).From the fitted quantities we derive the H band effective surfacebrightness (μe) and radius (re) of each component, theasymptotic magnitude HT and the light concentration indexC31. We find that: i) Less than 50% of the Ellipticalgalaxies have pure dV profiles. The majority of E to Sb galaxies is bestrepresented by a B+D profile. All Scd to BCD galaxies have pureexponential profiles. ii) The type of decomposition is a strong functionof the total H band luminosity (mass), independent of the Hubbleclassification: the fraction of pure exponential decompositionsdecreases with increasing luminosity, that of B+D increases withluminosity. Pure dV profiles are absent in the low luminosity rangeLH<1010 L\odot and become dominantabove 1011 L\odot . Based on observations taken atTIRGO, Gornergrat, Switzerland (operated by CAISMI-CNR, Arcetri,Firenze, Italy) and at the Calar Alto Observatory (operated by theMax-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Heidelberg) jointly with theSpanish National Commission for Astronomy). Table 2 and Figs. 2, 3, 4are available in their entirety only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via
| Tidally induced star formation in Abell 1367 Our principal aim is to compare global star formation rates betweencluster galaxies and field galaxies in order to clarify environmentalinfluence on star formation. We use an objective prism technique tosurvey over 200 Zwicky catalogue (CGCG) galaxies within ~2 deg.5 ofAbell 1367 for Hα emission. After a brief discussion of the surveycharacteristics, we consider first the dependence of Hα detection onHubble type, galaxy disturbance and the presence of a bar. As expected,we rarely detect early-type galaxies and consequently restrict furtherdiscussion to spirals (type S0/a and later), of which we detect ~35percent in Hα. We find that an extremely valuable distinction to makeis between galaxies with diffuse Hα and galaxies with compactHα. There is a very significant tendency for galaxies with compactHα emission to be disturbed, and there may be a weak tendency forthem to be barred. Neither of these tendencies is found for galaxieswith diffuse Hα emission. We infer that compact emission resultsfrom tidally induced star formation, while diffuse emission results frommore normal disc star formation. After considering field contamination,we adopt as a `predominantly cluster' sample the spiral populationinside 0.5 r_A; a `predominantly field' sample outside 0.5 r_A; and a`pure field' sample outside 1.5 r_A. We consistently find a much largerfraction of spirals detected with compact Hα in the cluster samplecompared to the field samples (e.g. 38 versus 0per cent detected incluster and `pure field' samples, chi^2 significance 3.6sigma). Thisincreased fraction detected in the cluster is found for early-, mid- andlate-type spirals separately. No such cluster/field differences arefound for galaxies with diffuse Hα emission. We conclude that tidalperturbations are more common in the cluster than in the field, leadingto a higher incidence of compact tidally triggered star formation. Bycombining information on galaxy disturbance, galaxy companions, and thelocation of galaxies within the cluster, we have tried to identify theorigin of the tidal perturbations. We find strong evidence thatnear-neighbour interaction plays a significant role in triggering starformation. However, we also find candidate objects near the cluster corewhich may be perturbed by the overall cluster tidal field, and candidateobjects which may be influenced by a higher speed `harassment'interaction between galaxies.
| Environments of Redshift Survey Compact Groups of Galaxies Redshift survey compact groups (RSCGs) are tight knots of N >= 3galaxies selected from the CfA2+SSRS2 redshift survey. The selection isbased on physical extent and association in redshift space alone. Wemeasured 300 new redshifts of fainter galaxies within 1 h^-1 Mpc of 14RSCGs to explore the relationship between RSCGs and their environments.Thirteen of 14 RSCGs are embedded in overdense regions of redshiftspace. The systems range from a loose group of five members to an Abellcluster. The remaining group, RSCG 64, appears isolated. RSCGs areisolated and distinct from their surroundings to varying degrees, as arethe Hickson compact groups. Among the 13 embedded RSCGs, three aredistinct from their general environments (RSCG 9, RSCG 11, and RSCG 85).
| Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies We present a catalogue of aperture photometry of galaxies, in UBVRI,assembled from three different origins: (i) an update of the catalogueof Buta et al. (1995) (ii) published photometric profiles and (iii)aperture photometry performed on CCD images. We explored different setsof growth curves to fit these data: (i) The Sersic law, (ii) The net ofgrowth curves used for the preparation of the RC3 and (iii) A linearinterpolation between the de Vaucouleurs (r(1/4) ) and exponential laws.Finally we adopted the latter solution. Fitting these growth curves, wederive (1) the total magnitude, (2) the effective radius, (3) the colourindices and (4) gradients and (5) the photometric type of 5169 galaxies.The photometric type is defined to statistically match the revisedmorphologic type and parametrizes the shape of the growth curve. It iscoded from -9, for very concentrated galaxies, to +10, for diffusegalaxies. Based in part on observations collected at the Haute-ProvenceObservatory.
| Colors, luminosities, and masses of disk galaxies. 2: Environmental dependenceis The B-band and near-infrared (H) luminosity functions of spiral galaxiesare derived for the Coma and A1367 clusters and for a referencepopulation of 'field' galaxies in the Coma supercluster. They areconsistent at the bright end, but they differ significantly at the faintend, indicating an overdensity of spirals with blue color (B-H less than3.0) and faint H luminosity (H greater than -21.5) in clusters withrespect to the field. These objects have disturbed morphology andpeculiar velocities significantly larger than the rest of the clustersample. We discuss these results in the framework of a possibleenvironmental dependence of galaxy evolution, and we conclude thatenhanced current star formation in cluster spiral galaxies might occurdue to molecular gas collapse stimulated by the ram-pressure mechanism.
| A CCD survey of galaxies. III. Observations with the Loiano 1.5m telescope. Continuing a CCD survey of galaxies belonging or projected onto the Comaand Hercules Superclusters and to the A262, Virgo and Cancer clusters,we present isophote maps and photometric profiles in the Johnson systemof 127 galaxies (126 taken in the V, 28 of which also in the B band, oneonly in B). For the objects in common we compare our results with thosein the RC3.
| The kinematics of Abell clusters Velocity histograms, galaxy positions, and velocity dispersions arepresented for 69 nearby Abell clusters. The shape of the cumulativedistribution for R = 1 or more clusters does not match the predictionsof standard CDM models for any biasing parameter b. The only modelsconsistent with the median and maximum dispersions of the sample arethose of b about 1.6-2.0 and in which clusters are identified in threedimensions. Velocity dispersions of high-redshift systems appearfundamentally different from those of nearby clusters. The mediandispersion of the subset of 25 cD clusters is similar to that of non-cDsystems. A substantial fraction of the cD galaxies have velocitiessignificantly different from the mean of their parent clusters. Three ofthese have 4 s or more measured redshifts. These last two resultssuggest that the formation of cD galaxies is dominated by the local,rather than global, cluster environment.
| Near infrared observations of galaxies in the Coma supercluster and in the Cancer cluster. II New near infrared observations of 110 galaxies in the Coma/A1367supercluster region, and 40 galaxies in the Cancer cluster arepresented. These observations are part of an ongoing investigation ofthe properties of normal galaxies and of their near-IR emission, whichaims at obtaining homogeneous, multifrequency data for a large sample ofgalaxies in different density environments. The addition of theseobservations to the sample presented in Gavazzi and Trinchieri (1989)raises the number of Coma/A1367 galaxies with near-IR data to 275. Themeasurements, together with data published by Bothun et al. (1985), givea sample of 45 spirals in the Cancer cluster.
| Radio continuum survey of the Coma/A1367 supercluster. II - 1.5 GHz observations of 396 CGCG galaxies 1.5 GHz VLA radio continuum observations of 396 relatively isolated CGCGgalaxies in the Coma/A1367 supercluster yielded the detection of 95objects. These observations, added to the ones presented in previouspapers, form a complete sample of optically selected objects with m(p)equal to or less than 15.3. Two wide-angle-tailed sources have beenfound in smaller groups within the supercluster.
| Accurate Optical Positions of Arakelian Galaxies Abstract image available at:
| Galaxies of high surface brightness Two lists are presented which contain 621 galaxies whose surfacebrightness, as derived from their apparent magnitudes, is at least 22.0magnitudes from an area of 1 sq arcsec. The lists were compiled in anattempt to verify observationally a possible correlation between surfacebrightness and nuclear activity. Four percent of all the galaxies in anarea of 4.5 sr at declinations higher than -3 deg and galactic latitudesgreater than 20 deg are listed, including 30 Markarian, 29 Zwicky, and 7blue Haro galaxies. A morphological study of 130 of the galaxiesindicates that about half are elliptical or lenticular, 50 are compactor peculiar, and that there is an excess of elliptical and lenticularobjects in comparison with a random sample. Notes on the morphologicaltypes and colors of the galaxies are provided along with identificationcharts.
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