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The HRX-BL Lac sample - Evolution of BL Lac objects The unification of X-ray and radio selected BL Lacs has been anoutstanding problem in the blazar research in the past years. Recentinvestigations have shown that the gap between the two classes can befilled with intermediate objects and that apparently all differences canbe explained by mutual shifts of the peak frequencies of the synchrotronand inverse Compton component of the emission. We study the consequencesof this scheme using a new sample of X-ray selected BL Lac objectscomprising 104 objects with z<0.9 and a mean redshift bar {z} = 0.34.77 BL Lacs, of which the redshift could be determined for 64 (83%)objects, form a complete sample. The new data could not confirm ourearlier result, drawn from a subsample, that the negative evolutionvanishes below a synchrotron peak frequency log nupeak =16.5. The complete sample shows negative evolution at the 2sigma level(< Ve/Va > = 0.42 +/- 0.04). We concludethat the observed properties of the HRX BL Lac sample show typicalbehaviour for X-ray selected BL Lacs. They support an evolutionarymodel, in which flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ) with high energeticjets evolve towards low frequency peaked (mostly radio-selected) BL Lacobjects and later on to high frequency peaked (mostly X-ray selected) BLLacs.Appendix (Tables 8 and 9, Fig. 8) is only available in electronic format
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