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Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC). The positions were measuredvisually from Digitized Sky Survey images with rms uncertaintiesσ<=[(1.2")2+(θ/100)2]1/2,where θ is the major-axis diameter. We compared each galaxymeasured with the original UGC description to ensure high reliability.The full position list is available in the electronic version only.
| Dynamics of Orbits and Local Gas Stability in a Lopsided Galaxy We study the dynamics of particles in closed orbits in a galactic diskperturbed by a lopsided halo potential. The underlying potential in alarge fraction of spiral galaxies is now believed to have this form. Theorbits are solved via first-order epicyclic theory, and the azimuthalvariation in the effective surface density is obtained for anexponential disk. The results are obtained first for a flat rotationcurve and then for a general power-law rotation curve. These are shownto be valid for both stars and gas in the inner (optical) region of agalaxy because both respond to the same lopsided potential and havecomparable disk scale lengths. The results are applied to externallopsided galaxies. An orbit is shown to be elongated along the minimumin the lopsided potential. The net rotational velocity is highest at theminimum radial extent of the orbit. The perturbation parameter for thelopsided potential epsilon lop, is obtained as a function of theobserved fractional amplitude of the m = 1 azimuthal Fourier componentof the surface brightness and the radius. The ellipticity of isophotesis shown to be higher by at least a factor of 4 compared to epsilon lop.This explains why the phenomenon of lopsidedness is so commonlydetected. It also means that even visually strongly lopsided galaxieshave a fairly axisymmetric potential, with a small epsilon lop < 0.1.The effective disk surface density is highest along the maximum in thelopsided potential, and there is an underdense region in the oppositedirection. The maximum increase in the surface density is high~35%--50%, for strongly lopsided galaxies. We obtain the local stabilityparameter Qlop in a lopsided galaxy and show that its values for gas aresignificantly lowered compared to the axisymmetric case in the overdenseregion. This is argued to result in an enhanced formation of massivestars which then result in H II regions. Thus we can naturally explainthe observed azimuthal asymmetry in the distribution of molecularhydrogen gas and H II regions in the lopsided galaxies such as M101.
| Lopsided Spiral Galaxies and a Limit on the Galaxy Accretion Rate We present a measurement of lopsidedness for the stellar disks of 60field spiral galaxies in terms of the azimuthal m = 1 Fourier amplitude,A1, of the stellar light. We confirm the previous result (Rix &Zaritsky) that ~30% of field spiral galaxies in a magnitude-limitedsample exhibit significant lopsidedness ( >= 0.2) atlarge radii (R > 1.5 disk scalelengths). We conjecture that thislopsidedness is caused by tidal interactions and calculate an upperlimit on the accretion rate of small galaxies. We exploit thecorrelation between lopsidedness and photometric measures of recent starformation (Zaritsky) to obtain two independent estimates of the lifetimeof these m = 1 distortions. First, we show that lopsided galaxies havean excess of blue luminosity relative to that of symmetric galaxies withthe same H I linewidth, which we attribute to a recent star formationepisode that was triggered by an interaction between the galaxy and acompanion. We use stellar population models (Bruzual & Charlot) toestimate the time since that interaction. Second, we use the N-bodysimulation of an infalling satellite by Walker, Mihos, & Hernquistto estimate how fast tidally induced m = 1 distortions are erasedthrough phase mixing. Both approaches indicate that the observations areconsistent with a hypothesized tidal interaction that occurred about 1Gyr ago for galaxies that are lopsided at the 20% level. By combiningthis lifetime estimate for lopsidedness, the observed frequency of suchdistortions, and a correction to the survey volume that depends on theincrease in luminosity during an interaction, we derive an upper limiton the current companion accretion rate of field spiral galaxies (forcompanion masses ~10% parent galaxy mass) that lies in the range0.07--0.25 Gyr-1. The principal uncertainty in this limit arises fromambiguities in the interpretation of the correlation betweenlopsidedness and MB.
| Large-Scale Structure at Low Galactic Latitude We have extended the CfA Redshift Survey to low galactic latitudes toinvestigate the relation between the Great Wall in the North GalacticCap and the Perseus-Pisces chain in the South Galactic Cap. We presentredshifts for 2020 galaxies in the Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clustersof Galaxies (Zwicky et al. 1961-68, CGCG) in the following regions: 4^h^<= α <= 8^h^, 17^h^ <= α <= 20^h^, 0^deg^ <=δ <= 45^deg^. In these regions, the redshift catalogue includes1664 galaxies with B(0) <= 15.5 (of which 820 are newly measured) andis 97% complete. We also include redshifts for an additional 356galaxies in these regions with B(O) > 15.5; of these, 148 werepreviously unmeasured. The CGCG samples the galaxy distribution down tob_II_ = 10^deg^. In this paper, we discuss the acquisition and reductionof the spectra, and we examine the qualitative features of the redshiftdistribution. The Great Wall and the Perseus-Pisces chain are not simplyconnected across the Zone of Avoidance. These structures, which at firstappear to be coherent on scales of ~100 h^-1^ Mpc or more, actually formthe boundaries of neighboring voids of considerably smaller scale,approximately 50h^-1^ Mpc. The structures delineated by ouroptically-selected sample are qualitatively similar to those detected bythe far-infrared-selected IRAS 1.2 Jansky Survey (Fisher et al. 1995).Although the IRAS survey probes more deeply into the Zone of Avoidance,our optically-selected survey provides better sampling of structures atb_II_ >= 10^deg^.
| Large-Scale Structures in the Zone of Avoidance: The Galactic Anticenter Region Abstract image available at:
| Nonaxisymmetric Structures in the Stellar Disks of Galaxies Abstract image available at:
| Arm structure in normal spiral galaxies, 1: Multivariate data for 492 galaxies Multivariate data have been collected as part of an effort to develop anew classification system for spiral galaxies, one which is notnecessarily based on subjective morphological properties. A sample of492 moderately bright northern Sa and Sc spirals was chosen for futurestatistical analysis. New observations were made at 20 and 21 cm; thelatter data are described in detail here. Infrared Astronomy Satellite(IRAS) fluxes were obtained from archival data. Finally, new estimatesof arm pattern radomness and of local environmental harshness werecompiled for most sample objects.
| H I survey of face-on galaxies - The frequency of distortions in H I disks The full results of an H I survey of face-on galaxies are presented andit is shown that narrow H I profiles are rare in normal spiral galaxies.This is due in part to the wider-than-expected range of the integraldispersion and in part to the frequent occurrence of large-scaledistortions in the H I disk. These factors reduce the number of galaxieswith half-power widths less than 30 km/s to about 24 percent of thosethat would occur if galaxies generally had quiescent, coplanar H Idisks. Two useful subsets may be drawn from this study of 212 face-ongalaxies with axial ratios greater than 0.87. Fifty-two spirals of allmorphological types have half-power widths smaller than 100 km/s and maybe used for studies that benefit from a small velocity spread and anenhanced beam-filling factor. About 40 galaxies have velocity widthsmuch larger than expected and are of interest in studies of dynamicallypeculiar systems.
| A study of the large-scale structure in the distribution of galaxies in a region centered about the Cancer cluster. I - Initial observational results. II - Further observational results Abstract image available at:
| A radio continuum survey of nearby galaxies. I - Observations at 0.4, 0.8, 4.8, and 10.7 GHz Observations have been conducted of a total of 136 galaxies at one ormore of four frequencies: 430, 834, 4750, and 10,700 MHz. For a subsetof these, spectral indices could be determined. A mean value alpha =-0.68 + or - 0.04 is found over the whole frequency range covered. Themean high frequency spectral index (4.9-10.7 GHz) for Sc galaxies isalpha = -0.55 + or - 0.07, which indicates the presence of significantamounts of thermal emission in a considerable fraction of the sample. At10.7 GHz the mean thermal contribution to the radio emission of thesample Sc galaxies is 35 + or - 15 percent; for the sample Sb galaxiesthis is 20 + or - 15 percent.
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