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Optical positions and 327 MHz flux-densities of UGC galaxies in selected Westerbork fields The study presents accurate optical positions of 421 UGC galaxies whichare used to search for 30 92-cm WSRT fields observed for emission fromthese galaxies. Good 92-cm flux densities were obtained for 140galaxies, marginal flux densities for 71 galaxies, and upper limits for210 galaxies. For 35 galaxies, spectral indices in the decimeterwavelength range are determined. The mean spectral index for spiralgalaxies (0.72 +/- 0.03) is very similar to that of elliptical galaxies(0.64 +/- 0.10). The four multiple systems in the sample have a muchflatter spectral index (-0.21 +/- 0.07), from which the presence of asignificant thermal component in their total radio emission issuggested. Comparison with IRAS results show that about half of thegalaxies detected at radio wavelengths are detected in the FIR. It isproposed that some spiral galaxies are anomalously weak in the IR ascompared with their radio brightness.
| An infrared study of dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster JHK surface photometry is presented for a total of 13 dwarf irregular(dI) and dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies in the Virgo cluster, drawn fromthe bright end of the dwarf luminosity function. These images are usedto show that the structures defined by the old stellar populationsdiffer significantly between the two types of dwarfs. In particular, thedIs have more flattened and asymmetric stellar light distributions, andthere are no dIs with H-band luminosities or surface brightnesses ashigh as those of the brightest dEs. This is strong evidence against themodels in which dEs are formed by the gas-stripping of dIs. However, atight surface brightness-luminosity relation is found in the H-band,with a scatter of only 0.25 mag, including dwarfs of both types. This ispotentially a very powerful redshift-independent distance indicator. Oneof the galaxies studied, IC 3328, is found to have a prominent nucleuswith significant redder near-IR colors than the remainder of the galaxy.
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