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The Origin of Angular Momentum in Dark Matter Halos We propose a new explanation for the origin of angular momentum ingalaxies and their dark halos, in which the halos obtain their spinthrough the cumulative acquisition of angular momentum from satelliteaccretion. In our model, the buildup of angular momentum is a randomwalk process associated with the mass assembly history of the halo'smajor progenitor. We assume no correlation between the angular momentaof accreted objects. The main role of tidal torques in this approach isto produce the random tangential velocities of merging satellites. Usingthe extended Press-Schechter approximation, we calculate the growth ofmass, angular momentum, and spin parameter λ for many halos. Ourrandom walk model reproduces the key features of the angular momentum ofhalos found in ΛCDM N-body simulations: a lognormal distributionin λ with an average of <λ>~0.045 and dispersionσλ=0.56, independent of mass and redshift. Theevolution of the spin parameter in individual halos in this model isquite different from the steady increase with time of angular momentumin the tidal torque picture. We find both in N-body simulations and inour random walk model that the value of λ changes significantlywith time for a halo's major progenitor. It typically has a sharpincrease due to major mergers and a steady decline during periods ofgradual accretion of small satellites. The model predicts that, onaverage, the λ of ~1012 Msolar halos thathad major mergers after redshift z=3 should be substantially larger thanthe λ of those that did not. Perhaps surprisingly, this suggeststhat halos that host later forming elliptical galaxies should rotatefaster than halos of spiral galaxies.
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