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The galaxy cluster Abell 426 (Perseus). A catalogue of 660 galaxy positions, isophotal magnitudes and morphological types We present a homogeneous catalogue of galaxies in the field of thenearby galaxy cluster A 426 (Perseus) based on a survey of digitisedSchmidt plates taken with the Tautenburg 2 m telescope in the B band.Accurate positions, morphological types, B25 isophotalmagnitudes, angular radii and position angles are given for 660 galaxieswithin a field of about 10 square-degrees, centred on alpha = 3() h 21()min, delta = 41degr 33' (J2000). When available, the radial velocity andthe most common name taken from NED or PGC are included. The cataloguecomprises galaxies brighter than B25~19.5. The estimatedlimit of completeness is B25~18. Two thirds of the galaxiesare published for the first time. The galaxy positions are measured witha mean accuracy of 0farcs5 , the photometric accuracy is of the order of0.1 to 0.2 mag depending on image crowding and galaxy shape.Morphological properties were evaluated from the visual inspections ofboth deep images obtained from the digital co-addition of a large numberof plates and higher-resolution images from single plates taken undergood seeing conditions. The superimposed images unveil faint structuresdown to mu_B ~ 27 mag arcsec(-2) . The catalogue is applied to a studyof statistical properties of the galaxies in A 426: projecteddistribution of morphological types, segregation of morphological types,position of the cluster centre, distribution of galaxy position angles,type-dependent luminosity functions, and total B-luminosity of the thecluster. In agreement with previous studies, we find a relativespiral-deficiency in the central region (r <~ 30'). The percentage ofidentified S+Irr increases, however, increases from 30% in the centre tomore than 50% in the outer parts. The projected distributions of early-and late-type galaxies are not co-centred. The total luminosity of allsupposed member galaxies in the surveyed area is estimated to(6.5+/-0.9)\ 10(12) x h50(-2) blue solar luminosities. We donot analyse in detail possible substructures in the projecteddistribution of galaxies. However, we found a pronounced clump ofgalaxies at alpha (J2000.0) = 3() h20fm4 , delta (J2000.0) = 43degr4 ',which is shown to be a background cluster at z~ 0.050. The catalogue isonly available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via } \fnmsep \thanks{ Based onobservations made with the 2\,m telescope of the ThüringerLandessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany, and with the 2.2\,m telescope ofthe German-Spanish Astronomical Centre, Calar Alto, Spain.
| Morphological classification and structural parameters of galaxies in the Coma and Perseus clusters We present the results of an isophotal shape analysis of galaxies in theComa and Perseus clusters. These data, together with those of twoprevious papers, provide two complete samples of galaxies with reliableHubble types in rich clusters: 1) all galaxies brighter than m_b = 16.5falling within one degree (=2.3 Mpc) from the center of the Coma cluster(187 galaxies), 2) all galaxies brighter than m_Zwicky=15.7 in a regionof 5 degr 3' times 5 degr 27' around the center of the Perseus cluster(139 galaxies). These two complete samples cover 5 orders of magnitudein galaxy density and span areas of 91 and 17 Mpc^2, clustercentricradii up to 6.4 and 2.3 Mpc, for Perseus and Coma respectively. Theywill be used in subsequent papers to study the dependence of galaxytypes on cluster environment and as reference samples in comparisonswith distant clusters. Based on observations made with the 2-meterTelescope Bernard Lyot of Pic-du-Midi Observatory, operated by INSU(CNRS) and the Schmidt telescope at the Calern Observatory (OCA). Alltables are only available in electronic form at the CDS anonymous ftp ( or via
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