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Interstellar Matter near the Pleiades. VI. Evidence for an Interstellar Three-Body Encounter This paper seeks a comprehensive interpretation of new data on Na Iabsorption toward stars in and near the Pleiades, together with existingvisible and infrared data on the distribution of dust and with radiodata on H I and CO in the cluster vicinity. The use of dust and gasmorphology to constrain tangential motions in connection with themeasured radial velocities yields estimates for the space motion of gasnear the Pleiades. Much of the kinematic complexity in the interstellarabsorption toward the Pleiades, including the presence of stronglyblueshifted components that arise in shocked gas, finds explanation inthe interaction between the cluster and foreground gas withVr(LSR)~7 km s-1 associated with the Taurus dustclouds. Taurus gas, however, cannot readily account for an absorptioncomponent having Vr(LSR)~10 km s-1 with a wide,but not continuous distribution and 21 cm emission from gas in thecluster having Vr(LSR)~0 km s-1 associated witheast-west dust filaments. Successive hypotheses for the origin of theseadditional features include Taurus gas at a higher velocity than thepervasive foreground component, additional gas at a radial velocityintermediate between that of the Taurus component and the cluster, and acloud having Vr(LSR)~10 km s-1 approaching thePleiades from the west. A satisfactory account of the full complexity ofthe interstellar medium near the Pleiades requires the last feature andthe Taurus gas, both interacting with the Pleiades and also with eachother.
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| Barnard's Merope Nebula Revisited: New Observational Results IC 349 is a small, fan-shaped reflection nebula located only 30" from 23Tau; its nucleus is, by a factor 15, the brightest area of the Pleiadesnebulosity. We propose that IC 349 is a fragment of the Taurus-Aurigamolecular cloud that has been encountered by the Pleiades in thatcluster's southward motion and is being illuminated and shaped by theradiation field of 23 Tau. New Hubble Space Telescope multicolor imageryand the structure, colors, and surface brightness of IC 349 arediscussed in terms of that hypothesis. What is known of the propermotion of the nebula, what can be inferred of the properties of thenebula from its color, and what is expected from radiation pressuretheory appear to be compatible with this cloudlet-encounter hypothesis.
| Examination of the Interstellar Spectrum of AE AUR for Long-Term Changes The runaway O9.5 V star AE Aur is moving across the line of sight behindthe curtain provided by the emission/reflection nebula IC 405. Theinterstellar line spectrum of AE Aur was examined on a HIRES spectrogramobtained in 1998 to determine if there had been any change since theoriginal high-resolution observations by Adams in the 1940s. Noequivalent widths were published by Adams, so only a comparison ofradial velocities was possible. No significant changes over theintervening half-century were detected; during that time the crossmotion of AE Aur in the plane of the sky amounted to about 1450 AU.Similarly, no convincing changes were found in the interstellar Ca IIlines of the runaway O star mu Col.
| Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349): an Interstellar Interloper Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349) is the optically brightest portion ofthe diffuse nebulosity that envelops the Pleaides but is notmorphologically similar to those nebulae. Knowledge of its true spacemotion can help clarify whether the object has a kinematic associationand possibly a common origin with the Pleiades. Here we report a meanradial velocity result obtained in 1996 from spectra where v_hel=-44.4km s^-1 and sigma_v=5.42 km s^-1 (N=5). The radial velocity result ispresented along with recent values for the object's proper motion,yielding its space motion vector. Galactic space velocity components (U,V, W)=(50.6+/-5.3, -10.3+/-6.7, 11.3+/-6.4) km s^-1, referred to theLSR, were calculated for the object. In addition, the region wasobserved in the near-infrared to determine if a protostellar object ispresent within the dusty envelope of the nebula; to an equivalentluminosity upper limit of L=0.23+/-0.05 L_solar, none was observed.These results suggest that IC 349 is kinematically unrelated to thePleiades and that it does not harbor a protostellar object in its dustyinterior.
| IC 349: Barnard's Merope Nebula Abstract image available at:
| IC349 - Barnard's Merope Nebula Not Available
| Studies of bright diffuse galactic nebulae with special regard to their spatial distribution. Not Available
| Measures of Barnard's new Merope nebula. Not Available
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