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Water-Vapor Maser Survey for Active Galactic Nuclei: A Megamaser in NGC 6926 We made a survey of water-vapor maser emission for 93 AGNs with theNobeyama 45-m and Mopra 22-m telescopes from 1999 to 2002. A megamaserwas detected in a Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 6926, at a distance of 80Mpc, in2002 June. [Greenhill et al. (2003a) have also reported a detection ofthe megamaser at the close date.] The peak flux density was 110mJy, andthe total isotropic luminosity was 340 Lȯ. The masershows triply peaked spectrum, suggesting an edge-on disk. A narrow-linefeature of the maser components at VLSR = 6001 kms-1 was strongly variable with a time scale of a few tens ofdays, and the variation should be of intrinsic origin. We also showed apossibility of variability of water-vapor maser emission of a megamaserpreviously detected in a Seyfert/ultraluminous FIR galaxy, NGC 6240.
| Radio emission from AGN detected by the VLA FIRST survey Using the most recent (April 2003) version of the VLA FIRST survey radiocatalog, we have searched for radio emission from >2800 AGN takenfrom the most recent (2001) version of the Veron-Cetty and Veron AGNcatalog. These AGN lie in the 9033 square degrees of sky alreadycovered by the VLA FIRST survey. Our work has resulted in positivedetection of radio emission from 775 AGN of which 214 are new detectionsat radio wavelengths.Tables 3 and 4 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/416/35
| Mass Profile of the Infall Region of the Abell 2199 Supercluster Using a redshift survey of 1323 galaxies (1092 new or remeasured) in aregion of 95 deg2 centered on the nearby galaxy cluster Abell2199, we analyze the supercluster containing A2199, A2197, and an X-raygroup. The caustic technique accurately reproduces the true massprofiles of simulated simple superclusters (i.e., superclusters forwhich the virial mass of one cluster is 2-10 times the virial mass ofall other clusters in the supercluster). We calculate the masses of thetwo main components of A2197 (A2197W and A2197E) by using archival X-rayobservations and demonstrate that the A2199 supercluster is simple (themass of A2199 is 5 and 12 times larger than A2197W and A2197E,respectively) and thus that the caustic technique should yield anaccurate mass profile. The masses of A2199, A2197W, and A2197E withinr500 (the radius within which the enclosed density is 500times the critical density) are 22.0, 3.8, and 1.7 times 1013h-1 Msolar, respectively. The mass profile isuncertain by ~30% within 3 h-1 Mpc and by a factor of 2within 8 h-1 Mpc and is one of only a few for a superclusteron such large scale. Independent X-ray mass estimates agree with ourresults at all radii where they overlap. The mass profile stronglydisagrees with an isothermal sphere profile but agrees with profilessuggested by simulations. We discuss the interplay of the superclusterdynamics and the dynamics of the bound subclusters. The agreementbetween the infall mass profile and other techniques shows that thecaustic technique is surprisingly robust for simple superclusters.
| Peculiar properties of 2 unusually X-ray bright early type galaxies Two X-ray bright early type galaxies, selected for their unusually highX-ray to optical flux ratio, have been observed at high spatialresolution with the ROSAT HRI. Both sources are clearly extended (>250 kpc in radius), thus excluding a nuclear origin of the high X-rayemission. A small group of galaxies observed around IC 1262 could be themost natural explanation for the high X-ray luminosity observed. NGC6159 could be similarly explained, although there are to date nospectroscopic confirmations of a group of galaxies associated with it.The X-ray properties of these two sources are discussed in the contextof the properties of groups of galaxies. A peculiar very bright feature,in the shape of an arc, is detected at the center of the IC 1262 image.This could be the signature of a recent merger, or of peculiar highvelocities in the group.
| Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC). The positions were measuredvisually from Digitized Sky Survey images with rms uncertaintiesσ<=[(1.2")2+(θ/100)2]1/2,where θ is the major-axis diameter. We compared each galaxymeasured with the original UGC description to ensure high reliability.The full position list is available in the electronic version only.
| Optical positions and 327 MHz flux-densities of UGC galaxies in selected Westerbork fields The study presents accurate optical positions of 421 UGC galaxies whichare used to search for 30 92-cm WSRT fields observed for emission fromthese galaxies. Good 92-cm flux densities were obtained for 140galaxies, marginal flux densities for 71 galaxies, and upper limits for210 galaxies. For 35 galaxies, spectral indices in the decimeterwavelength range are determined. The mean spectral index for spiralgalaxies (0.72 +/- 0.03) is very similar to that of elliptical galaxies(0.64 +/- 0.10). The four multiple systems in the sample have a muchflatter spectral index (-0.21 +/- 0.07), from which the presence of asignificant thermal component in their total radio emission issuggested. Comparison with IRAS results show that about half of thegalaxies detected at radio wavelengths are detected in the FIR. It isproposed that some spiral galaxies are anomalously weak in the IR ascompared with their radio brightness.
| Statistics of galaxy orientations - Morphology and large-scale structure Using the Uppsala General Catalog of bright galaxies and the northernand southern maps of the Lick counts of galaxies, statistical evidenceof a morphology-orientation effect is found. Major axes of ellipticalgalaxies are preferentially oriented along the large-scale features ofthe Lick maps. However, the orientations of the major axes of spiral andlenticular galaxies show no clear signs of significant nonrandombehavior at a level of less than about one-fifth of the effect seen forellipticals. The angular scale of the detected alignment effect forUppsala ellipticals extends to at least theta of about 2 deg, which at aredshift of z of about 0.02 corresponds to a linear scale of about 2/hMpc.
| The A2197 and A2199 galaxy clusters Seventy-four new galaxy redshifts in the A2197/A2199 region arepresented. When these are added to data in the literature, 117 galaxieswith known redshifts are found within the two clusters, and 19 galaxieswith known redshifts are found generally north of A2197. These samplesare used to determine the dynamical properties and M/L ratios for thetwo clusters and to examine the broad supercluster properties of thisregion.