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HD 3999



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Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
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Young, high-velocity stars. I - Rotational velocities and a catalog of early-type stars at the South Galactic Pole
A catalog has been compiled of 305 early-type stars to F0 and 15thmagnitude in 218 sq deg at the South Galactic Pole. Stromgren photometryand medium- and high-resolution spectra for many of the catalog starshave been obtained. Radial velocities, H-beta line widths, Balmer jumps,and Ca II K line equivalent widths have been measured and tabulated.Rotational velocities were obtained for eight distant A stars and arefound to be typical of values for normal young main sequence stars.

Young, high-velocity a stars. II - Misidentified, ejected, or unique?
The ages, abundances, and kinematics of a large number of early-typestars at the south Galactic pole are derived to examine the properties,augment the sample of high-velocity stars, and study hypothesesconcerning their origin. The results are compared to a group of normal Astars near the disk. It is suggested that at around 6.5 X 10 to the 8thyr ago, a major source of relatively low abundance hydrogen was accretedby the Galactic disk, forming young high-velocity stars that do notpartake of the age-abundance-kinematics relationships shown by otherstellar groupings.

The South Galactic Pole - Results from uvby-beta photometry of 572 O-F stars
Photometric observations on the uvby-beta system are presented for 572O-F stars within about 20 deg of the South Galactic Pole. Theinterstellar extinction near the pole is found to be zero out to 400 pcfrom the sun, in agreement with the H I maps of Burstein and Heiles(1982). Several evolved and Population II objects are identified.

Interstellar reddening towards the south galactic pole
B, A and F type stars are observed in an area of about 400 squaredegrees around the galactic south pole (SGP) using theStroemgren-Crawford uvby-beta system at the 60 cm telescope of theBochum station on La Silla, Chile. With calibrations for B and F typestars and the provisional calibration for the stars of Stroemgren's LateGroup-A-stars, intrinsic (b-y)0 colors are derived and then used todescribe the interstellar absorption structure of the SGP. To determinethe galactic extinction perpendicular to the galactic plane, thereddening values of distant stars are averaged in order to include boththe reddened and unreddened areas at the SGP. A mean value E(b-y)SGPequals 0.019 m is derived and is found to agree well with earliervalues, except with that of Knude (1977). Explanations for the deviationare considered, implying that Knude's value is systematically too high.

UVBY beta photometry and MK spectral classification.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976A&AS...24...69O&db_key=AST

Radial Velocities and Spectral Classification of A-Type Stars Near the South Galactic Pole
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1971PASP...83..643B&db_key=AST

A finding list of early-type stars near the south galactic pole.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1971AJ.....76..338S&db_key=AST

A Finding List of Stars of Spectral Type A7 and Earlier in Regions at High Galactic Latitudes. II. South Galactic Pole
An objective prism survey of stars of spectral type A7 and earlier hasbeen made of stars in a 230 square degree region at the South GalacticPole as part of an investigation of galactic structure perpendicular tothe galactic plane. The survev reported here was made with the 4°prism on the Tonantzintla Schmidt telescope and the UV prism on theMichigan Curtis Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo. A finding listcontaining positions and spectral types for 180 stars is presented, withfinding charts for the stars too faint to be included in the CD or BDcatalogues.

Stellar-population samples at the galactic poles. I. Proper-motion stars, blue objects, and eclipsing binaries near the south pole
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1968ApJ...153..723E

Three-colour photometry of early-type stars near the galactic poles
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1963MNRAS.127...83W&db_key=AST

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다음 그룹에 속해있음:

관측 및 측정 데이터

적경상의 고유운동:-4.8
적위상의 고유운동:-2.7
B-T magnitude:9.452
V-T magnitude:9.342

일반명   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 3999
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6998-447-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0525-00263786

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