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Study of the Structure of the Coma Cluster Based on a Hierarchical Force Clustering Method Six subclusters in the Coma cluster have been selected on the basis of ahierarchical clustering method that takes the gravitational interactionamong galaxies into account. Of these, 3 central subclusters around thegalaxies NGC 4889, NGC 4874, and NGC 4839 have been singled out. We haveused the objective statistical criterion applied by Vennik and Anosovain studies of close groups of galaxies to evaluate each member includedin a subcluster with a high probability. Galaxies with a significantdeficit of hydrogen HI, including objects from the Bravo-Alfaro list,have been identified with members of the subclusters, with the greatestnumber of them in the subclusters around NGC 4874 and NGC 4839. Aquantitative estimate of the hydrogen deficit using the HI index in theRCG3 catalog reveals a statistically significant excess value for thosegalaxies that are members of the subclusters compared to galaxies with ahydrogen deficit in the overall Coma cluster field. A substantial numberof the spiral galaxies with a hydrogen deficit in the subclusters turnedout to be radio galaxies as well.
| The X-ray luminosity function of galaxies in the Coma cluster The XMM-Newton survey of the Coma cluster of galaxies covers an area of1.86 square degrees with a mosaic of 16 pointings and has a total usefulintegration time of 400 ks. Detected X-ray sources with extent less than10'' were correlated with cataloged galaxies in the Comacluster region. The redshift information, which is abundant in thisregion of the sky, allowed us to separate cluster members frombackground and foreground galaxies. For the background sources, werecover a typical Log N-Log S in the flux range10-15-10-13 ergs s-1 cm-2 inthe 0.5-2.0 keV band. The X-ray emission from the cluster galaxiesexhibits X-ray colors typical of thermal emission. The luminosities ofComa galaxies lie in the 1039-1041 ergss-1 interval in the 0.5-2.0 keV band. The luminosity functionof Coma galaxies reveals that their X-ray activity is suppressed withrespect to the field by a factor of 5.6, indicating a lower level ofX-ray emission for a given stellar mass.
| 1.65-μm (H -band) surface photometry of galaxies - VIII. The near-IR κ space at z =0 We present the distribution of a statistical sample of nearby galaxiesin the κ -space (κ 1 ~logM , κ 2~logI e 3 M /L , κ 3 ~logM /L ).Our study is based on near-IR (H -band: λ =1.65μm)observations, for the first time comprising early- and late-typesystems. Our data confirm that the mean effective dynamicalmass-to-light ratio M /L of the E+S0+S0a galaxies increases withincreasing effective dynamical mass M , as expected from the existenceof the Fundamental Plane relation. Conversely, spiral and Im/BCDgalaxies show a broad distribution in M /L with no detected trend of M/L with M , the former galaxies having M /L values about twice largerthan the latter, on average. For all the late-type galaxies, the M /Lincreases with decreasing effective surface intensity I e ,consistent with the existence of the Tully-Fisher relation. Theseresults are discussed on the basis of the assumptions behind theconstruction of the κ -space and their limitations. Our study iscomplementary to a previous investigation in the optical (B -band:λ =0.44μm) and allows us to study wavelength dependences ofthe galaxy distribution in the κ -space. As a first result, wefind that the galaxy distribution in the κ 1 -κ2 plane reproduces the transition from bulgeless tobulge-dominated systems in galaxies of increasing dynamical mass.Conversely, it appears that the M /L of late-types is higher (lower)than that of early-types with the same M in the near-IR (optical). Theorigins of this behaviour are discussed in terms of dust attenuation andstar formation history.
| The far-ultraviolet emission of early-type galaxies We have assembled a UV-flux selected sample of 82 early-type galaxiesand collected additional information at other wavelengths. These dataconfirm a large spread of the UV-V color in the range 2 to 5. The spreadin UV-V is accompanied by a spread in B-V that is mainly attributed tothe range of morphological types and luminosities. A large fraction ofthe objects have red colors, UV-V = 4 +/- 0.4, corresponding to a weakUV-upturn as observed with IUE. If the current interpretation for the UVemission from early-type galaxies is applicable to our sample, the PAGB(Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch) tracks are the most common evolution pathfor the low-mass stars responsible for the UV emission. A small numberof very blue (UV-V < 1.4) objects have been found that can bereasonably interpreted as harbouring some low level of star formation.In contrast to a previous sample based on IUE observations, nocorrelation is found between the UV-V color and the Mg2spectral line index; possible explanations are reviewed. The potentialof a more extended UV survey like GALEX is briefly presented.
| 1.65 μm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. III. observations of 558 galaxies with the TIRGO 1.5 m telescope We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 μm ) surface photometry of 558galaxies in the Coma Supercluster and in the Virgo cluster. This dataset, obtained with the Arcetri NICMOS3 camera ARNICA mounted on theGornergrat Infrared Telescope, is aimed at complementing, withobservations of mostly early-type objects, our NIR survey of spiralgalaxies in these regions, presented in previous papers of this series.Magnitudes at the optical radius, total magnitudes, isophotal radii andlight concentration indices are derived. We confirm the existence of apositive correlation between the near-infrared concentration index andthe galaxy H-band luminosity Based on observations taken at TIRGO(Gornergrat, Switzerland). TIRGO is operated by CAISMI-CNR, Arcetri,Firenze, Italy. Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html
| 1.65 μm (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. V. Profile decomposition of 1157 galaxies We present near-infrared H-band (1.65 μm) surface brightness profiledecomposition for 1157 galaxies in five nearby clusters of galaxies:Coma, A1367, Virgo, A262 and Cancer, and in the bridge between Coma andA1367 in the ``Great Wall". The optically selected (mpg≤16.0) sample is representative of all Hubble types, from E to Irr+BCD,except dE and of significantly different environments, spanning fromisolated regions to rich clusters of galaxies. We model the surfacebrightness profiles with a de Vaucouleurs r1/4 law (dV), withan exponential disk law (E), or with a combination of the two (B+D).From the fitted quantities we derive the H band effective surfacebrightness (μe) and radius (re) of each component, theasymptotic magnitude HT and the light concentration indexC31. We find that: i) Less than 50% of the Ellipticalgalaxies have pure dV profiles. The majority of E to Sb galaxies is bestrepresented by a B+D profile. All Scd to BCD galaxies have pureexponential profiles. ii) The type of decomposition is a strong functionof the total H band luminosity (mass), independent of the Hubbleclassification: the fraction of pure exponential decompositionsdecreases with increasing luminosity, that of B+D increases withluminosity. Pure dV profiles are absent in the low luminosity rangeLH<1010 L\odot and become dominantabove 1011 L\odot . Based on observations taken atTIRGO, Gornergrat, Switzerland (operated by CAISMI-CNR, Arcetri,Firenze, Italy) and at the Calar Alto Observatory (operated by theMax-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (Heidelberg) jointly with theSpanish National Commission for Astronomy). Table 2 and Figs. 2, 3, 4are available in their entirety only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html
| The tilt of the Fundamental Plane of early-type galaxies: wavelength dependence The photometric parameters R_e and mu_e of 74 early-type (E+S0+S0a)galaxies within 2 deg projected radius from the Coma cluster centre arederived for the first time in the near-infrared H band (1.65 μm).These are used, coupled with measurements of the central velocitydispersion sigma found in the literature, to determine the H-bandFundamental Plane (FP) relation of this cluster: logR_e~Alogsigma+bmu_e. The same procedure is applied to previouslyavailable photometric data in the BVrIK bands, to perform amultiwavelength study of the FP relation. Because systematicuncertainties in the value of the FP parameters are introduced both bythe choice of the fitting algorithm used to derive the FP template, andby the presence of statistical biases connected with the sampleselection procedure, we emphasize the importance of deriving the FPparameters in the six different photometric bands using an identicalfitting algorithm, and appropriate corrections to eliminate the effectsof sample incompleteness. Once these corrections are applied, we findthat the FP b coefficient is stable with wavelength (~0.35+/-0.02),while the A coefficient increases significantly with increasingwavelength: from ~1.35 to ~1.70 (+/-0.1) from the optical to theinfrared, in agreement with an earlier result presented recently byPahre and Djorgovski. Therefore the slope of the FP relation, althoughchanging with wavelength, never approaches the virial theoremexpectation A=2.0 when the central velocity dispersion only is used tobuild the FP. We also find that the magnitude of the slope change can beentirely explained by the presence of the well-known relation betweencolour and magnitude among early-type galaxies. We conclude that thetilt of the Fundamental Plane is significant, and must be the result ofsome form of broken homology among early-type galaxies, while itswavelength dependence derives from whatever mechanism (currently thepreferred one is the existence of a mass-metal content sequence)produces the colour-magnitude relation in those galaxies.
| A catalogue of Mg_2 indices of galaxies and globular clusters We present a catalogue of published absorption-line Mg_2 indices ofgalaxies and globular clusters. The catalogue is maintained up-to-datein the HYPERCAT database. The measurements are listed together with thereferences to the articles where the data were published. A codeddescription of the observations is provided. The catalogue gathers 3541measurements for 1491 objects (galaxies or globular clusters) from 55datasets. Compiled raw data for 1060 galaxies are zero-point correctedand transformed to a homogeneous system. Tables 1, 3, and 4 areavailable in electronic form only at the CDS, Strasbourg, via anonymousftp Table 2 is available both in text and electronic form.
| Total magnitude, radius, colour indices, colour gradients and photometric type of galaxies We present a catalogue of aperture photometry of galaxies, in UBVRI,assembled from three different origins: (i) an update of the catalogueof Buta et al. (1995) (ii) published photometric profiles and (iii)aperture photometry performed on CCD images. We explored different setsof growth curves to fit these data: (i) The Sersic law, (ii) The net ofgrowth curves used for the preparation of the RC3 and (iii) A linearinterpolation between the de Vaucouleurs (r(1/4) ) and exponential laws.Finally we adopted the latter solution. Fitting these growth curves, wederive (1) the total magnitude, (2) the effective radius, (3) the colourindices and (4) gradients and (5) the photometric type of 5169 galaxies.The photometric type is defined to statistically match the revisedmorphologic type and parametrizes the shape of the growth curve. It iscoded from -9, for very concentrated galaxies, to +10, for diffusegalaxies. Based in part on observations collected at the Haute-ProvenceObservatory.
| A Three-dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Substructure in the Coma Cluster: Statistics and Morphology Evidence of clustering within the Coma Cluster is found by means of amultiscale analysis of the combined angular-redshift distribution. Wehave compiled a catalog of 798 galaxy redshifts from published surveysof the region of the Coma Cluster. We examine the presence ofsubstructure and of voids at different scales ranging from ~1 to ~16 h-1Mpc, using subsamples of the catalog ranging from cz = 3000 km s-1 to cz= 28,000 km s-1. Our substructure detection method is based on thewavelet transform and on segmentation analysis. The wavelet transformallows us to find structures at different scales, and the segmentationmethod allows a quantitative statistical and morphological analysis ofthe sample. From the whole catalog, we select a subset of 320 galaxies,with redshifts between cz = 5858 km s-1 and cz = 8168 km s-1, which weidentify as belonging to the central region of Coma and upon which wehave performed a deeper analysis, on scales ranging from 180 h-1 kpc to1.44 h-1 Mpc. Our results are expressed in terms of the number ofstructures or voids and their sphericity for different values of thethreshold detection and at all the scales investigated. According to ouranalysis, there is strong evidence of multiple hierarchicalsubstructure, on scales ranging from a few hundreds of kiloparsecs toabout 4 h-1 Mpc. The morphology of these substructures is ratherspherical. On a scale of 720 h-1 kpc we find two main subclusters thathave been found before, but our wavelet analysis shows even moresubstructures, whose redshift position is approximately marked by thefollowing bright galaxies: NGC 4934 and 4840, NGC 4889, NGC 4898 and4864, NGC 4874 and 4839, NGC 4927, and NGC 4875.
| The fundamental plane of early-type galaxies: stellar populations and mass-to-light ratio. We analyse the residuals to the fundamental plane (FP) of ellipticalgalaxies as a function of stellar-population indicators; these are basedon the line-strength parameter Mg_2_ and on UBVRI broad-band colors, andare partly derived from new observations. The effect of the stellarpopulations accounts for approximately half the observed variation ofthe mass-to-light ratio responsible for the FP tilt. The residual tiltcan be explained by the contribution of two additional effects: thedependence of the rotational support, and possibly that of the spatialstructure, on the luminosity. We conclude to a constancy of thedynamical-to-stellar mass ratio. This probably extends to globularclusters as well, but the dominant factor would be here the luminositydependence of the structure rather than that of the stellar population.This result also implies a constancy of the fraction of dark matter overall the scalelength covered by stellar systems. Our compilation ofinternal stellar kinematics of galaxies is appended.
| Automated surface photometry for the Coma Cluster galaxies: The catalog A homogeneous photometry catalog is presented for 450 galaxies withB25.5 less than or equal to 16 mag located in the 9.8 deg x9.8 deg region centered on the Coma Cluster. The catalog is based onphotographic photometry using an automated surface photometry softwarefor data reduction applied to B-band Schmidt plates. The catalogprovides accurate positions, isophotal and total magnitudes, major andminor axes, and a few other photometric parameters including rudimentarymorphology (early of late type).
| ROSAT observations of Coma Cluster galaxies The approximately 86 ks ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter(PSPC) image of the Coma Cluster is deeper than any previous X-rayobservation of a galaxy cluster. We search for X-ray emission from 35individual galaxies in a magnitude-limited sample, all of which liewithin 20 arcmins of the optical axis in at least one of the four Comapointings. We detect seven galaxies in the 0.4-2.4 keV band at asignificance level exceeding 3 sigma, and a further four at above 2sigma. Although we can set only upper limits on the individual flux fromeach of the other galaxies, we are able to measure their mean flux bystacking the observations. The X-ray luminosities of the sevendetections range from 6.2 x 1040 to 1.5 x 1042ergs/s (0.4-2.4 keV for H0 = 50 km/s/Mpc). For galaxies witha blue absolute magnitude of about -21 we find a mean X-ray luminosityof 1.3 x 1040 ergs/s. The ratio of X-ray to opticalluminosity is substantially smaller for such subjects than for thebrightest galaxies in the cluster. The X-ray luminosities of the fourbrightest galaxies are ill-defined, however, because of ambiguity indistinguishing galaxy emission from cluster emission. Each objectappears to be related to significant structure in the diffuseintracluster medium. We also investigate emission in the softer 0.2-0.4keV band where detections are less significant because of the higherbackground, and we discuss the properties of a number of interestingindividual sources. The X-ray luminosities of the Coma galaxies aresimilar to those of galaxies in the Virgo Cluster and in other regionswith relatively low galaxy density. We conclude that large-scaleenvironmental effects do not significantly enhance or suppress theaverage X-ray emission from galaxies, but that individual objects varyin luminosity substantially in a way which may depend on the detailedhistory of their environment.
| Galaxy Properties at the North Galactic Pole. I. Photometric Properties on Large Spatial Scales A two-color study of the galaxies detected on POSS-I in a 289 squaredegree region centered on the North Galactic Pole is presented. We use avariety of mapping techniques to characterize the large-scale spatialdistribution of galaxies. The depth and sample size of this new surveyallows, for the first time, the isolation of large photometricsubsamples of galaxies in high- and low-density environments on thescale of superclusters. Our principal finding is a statisticallysignificant difference between the mean photometric properties of thesesubsamples in the sense that galaxies in the high-density Coma andfilament environments have redder colors and larger concentrationindices than galaxies drawn from low-density interfilament regions.These results are in accord with the known morphology-density relation.Thus, appropriately chosen photometric and morphological parameters, inconcert with a galaxy surface density map, can be used to selectstructures from the projected galaxy distribution which correspond toregions of high density. An illustration of this point is our discoveryof a concentration of blue galaxies identified in our maps near the coreof the Coma cluster. This feature is comprised of early-type galaxieswhich exhibit signs of current or recent star formation. These resultsare predicated on relations between morphological type and photometricparameters derived from APS scans of POSS-I. We therefore discuss theimage calibration procedures used to compile our catalog of physicallysignificant photometric parameters. We demonstrate the morphologicaltype dependence among quantities such as mean color and imageconcentration index, and the lack of such a dependence for mean surfacebrightness.
| Ultraviolet observations of galaxies in nearby clusters. III. Star-forming galaxies in the Coma cluster. In a field of 1deg radius centered in the Coma cluster of galaxies, UV(λ=2000A) observations with a 40-cm balloon-borne imagingtelescope (FOCA) have provided a list of 442 UV sources brighter thanm_UV_=18, which are identified in the Godwin et al. (1983) catalogue.254 are identified as galaxies, 178 as star-like objects and 10 asgalaxy-star pairs, unresolved in the UV image. The 254 galaxies fallinto two sub-groups. The galaxies brighter than b=17 define a sequencein the (b-r,m_UV_-b) color-color diagram which is well fitted by themodels of Bruzual & Charlot (1993); most are cluster members. Thegalaxies fainter than b=17 show distinctly (m_UV_-b) colors bluer thanthe former group at the same (b-r); most of them are likely backgroundlate-type galaxies. Notably, a significant fraction of the 178 star-likeobjects have UV magnitudes and colors similar to that of the secondgroup of galaxies; ground-based spectroscopy is required to determinetheir nature and/or membership. In the UV sample, 61 galaxies haveradial velocities consistent with cluster membership. Among them, nearlyhalf are blue (m_UV_-b<1), star-forming galaxies. Their cumulated UVfluxes lead to a star formation rate of ~23h^-2^Msun_/yr.Their velocity distribution shows an unexpected concentration near 7500km/s and a void in the 6000-7000km/s range. The other half contains redgalaxies (m_UV_-b>1) with little or no recent star formation. Allearly-type galaxies brighter than b=14.5 are detected in UV and have amedian color (m_UV_-b)=3.0 in agreement with the representative spectraldistribution of an elliptical compiled from IUE. 17 early-types galaxieswhich have spectroscopic data in the sample of Caldwell et al. (1993)show a correlation between the (m_UV_-b) color and the Hδ(absorption line) equivalent width; some, with (m_UV_-b)<1, wouldimply that the last starburst event is younger than 1 Gyr or that aresidual star-formation is still present. The median UV flux and thefraction of blue star-forming galaxies which are cluster members show anenhancement at ~25'(0.5h^-1^Mpc) from the cluster center, suggestingthat a global physical process might induce star formation in a richcluster such as Coma.
| The nature of E and S0 galaxies: A study of magnitude-limited sample of galaxies in the Coma Cluster Differences and similarities of E and S0 galaxies have been investigatedon basis of new CCD surface photometry in Gunn r for 171 galaxies withinthe central square degree of the Coma Cluster; 146 of the galaxies areclassified as E or S0. The galaxies form a magnitude-limited sample withGunn r less than or equal to 15.3 mag. Together with the sample of Virgogalaxies compiled by Caon et al. (1993), this sample is one of the firstvolume-limited samples. The isophotal shapes of the galaxies have beenstudied in terms of ellipticity, c4 and c6. Thesample is deficit of apparently round S0 galaxies. The distribution ofthe apparent ellipticities for the S0 galaxies cannot be fittedsatisfactorily with any simple distribution of the intrinsicellipticities. This suggests that face-on S0 galaxies have beenclassified as ellipticals. It is shown that theellipticity-c4 diagram can be used for determination ofrelative disk luminosities, LD/Ltot. Thedistribution of LD/Ltot for galaxies fainter thanMB(sub T) = -22 mag is very broad (H0 = 50 km/(sMpc) is used). The distribution is best fitted by a model where 10% ofthe galaxies are diskless and 90% of the galaxies are drawn from adistribution which is uniform from zero to one. This model also predictsdistributions of apparent ellipticities, c4, and inclinationswhich are in agreement with the data. E galaxies brighter thanMB(sub T) = -22 mag do not show any evidence of disks and mayform another class. The sample contains no S0 galaxies brighter thanMB(sub T) = -22 mag. Our analysis implies that the E and S0galaxies fainter than MB(sub T) = -22 mag form one class ofgalaxies with a continuous change in LD/Ltot.Face-on members of this class are mostly classified as E galaxies whilemore edge-on members are classified as S0 galaxies. Further, it is foundthat only 12% of all the galaxies in the sample are truly disklesssystems. The diskless systems contribute approximately 30% to the totalluminosity of the sample, most of this originates from the six brightestgalaxies.
| New D-sigma results for Coma cluster ellipticals A total of 51 ellipticals in the Coma cluster are described in terms ofphotometric diameters (Ds) and velocity dispersions (sigmas) to evaluatethe environmental dependence of the D-sigma relation. Observations aredescribed of the ellipticals in the outer part of the cluster as well assome from the central region based on spectra between 4800-5600 A.Aperture photometry is employed to derive effective diameter, effectivesurface brightness, and photometric diameter. The zero point of theD-sigma relation varies very little from the Coma core, and the outerellipticals possess somewhat larger Ds at fixed values of sigma. TheD-sigma relation is considered a robust indicator with nosurface-brightness bias, and the sample indicates that planes defined bythe Virgo and Coma clusters are not fundamentally different.
| Galaxy redshift survey in a narrow strip crossing the Coma cluster A list of galaxies brighter than 18m with the coordinates in the rangeRA = (10h42m, 15h28m), Dec. = (+ 28 deg 10 min, + 28 deg 20 min) ispresented. The list contains data on apparent photographic magnitude,angular diameter, axial ratio, and radial velocity for more than 300objects. Emission and absorption line galaxies found show an essentiallydifferent character in their spatial distribution.
| Associations between quasi-stellar objects and galaxies A table is presented here listing all close pairs of QSOs and galaxiesthat were found in a computer-aided search of catalogs of QSOs andbright galaxies and an extensive search of the literature. There is alarge excess of pairs with separations of 2 arcmin lor less, or about 60kpc, over the numbers expected if the configurations were accidental.The angular separation for 392 pairs adds to the evidence for physicalassociation, and it is shown that selection effects are not important. Ageneral rule is stated that QSOs tend to lie in the vicinity of normalgalaxies much more often than is expected by chance whether or not thegalaxies and the QSOs have the same redshifts. It is emphasized thatthis rule cannot be explained in terms of gravitational microlensing,and it is concluded that some part of the redshift of all classes ofactive nuclei is not associated with the expansion of the universe.
| Investigation of clusters of galaxies. III - an U band photometry in the central part of the Coma cluster Not Available
| Cross identification of 238 galaxies and use of a colour magnitude relation in the coma cluster A catalog of 238 galaxies is obtained by the cross identification ofdata from Kent and Gunn (1982), Godwin and Peach (1977) and Godwin etal. (1983). It contains the radial velocities, bvr magnitudes, colorindices, isophotal radii, and other characteristics of individualgalaxies. This leads to the definition of various samples of radialvelocities complete to various limiting magnitudes depending on radius.The use of a color magnitude relation is discussed to define a class of1340 objects likely to belong to the cluster from their photometry only.
| Spectroscopy and photometry of elliptical galaxies. III - UBV aperture photometry, CCD photometry, and magnitude-related parameters Photoelectric aperture photometry of nearly 2000 individual observationsof 449 elliptical galaxies combined with published measurements usingthe self-consistent UVB color catalog developed by Burstein et al.(1987) are presented. The data are placed on a standard magnitude andcolor system, and 'total' magnitudes and effective diameters are derivedby comparison with the standard elliptical magnitude growth curve. Agraphical representation of the standard growth curve and the residualsfrom it for each galaxy are given, and a new diameter measurement Dn ispresented which can be measured reliably for elliptical galaxies andserves as an accurate distance indicator when combined with centralvelocity dispersion. Individual magnitudes, surface brightnesses,effective diameters, and values of Dn are summarized for each galaxy incatalog form.
| Taxonomical analysis of superclusters. II - The A1367/Coma supercluster The nonhierarchical taxonomical method has been applied to a sample of185 galaxies, complete to m not greater than 15, in the A1367/Comaregion. Once the fore- and background galaxies have been identified, theanalysis of the A1367 cluster shows it composed by two gravitationallybound clumps at essentially the same redshift, 6396 km/s and 6562 km/s,respectively. Central Coma is traced by three different groups whosegravitational binding does not appear clearly. However, accepting theunique dynamical entity of Central Coma, some other neighboring groupswould be part of the cluster. In that case, the average radial velocityand dispersion of the Coma cluster would be 7013 and 423 km/s,respectively. The M/L ratios for the groups evidenced by the taxonomyrange from 13 to 170. The missing mass problem only appears when all thegalaxies in the sample are considered as members of a unique dynamicalstructure. The relationship found in other systems between the redshift,the morphological type and the radioemissivity is also present in thesample.
| The evolution of galaxies in clusters. IV - Photometry of 10 low-redshift clusters Colors and magnitudes, obtained from Palomar 48 inch (1.2 m) Schmidtplates in the J and F bands, and morphological types are presented forgalaxies in the cores of 10 nearby clusters of galaxies. In the typicalcluster, the sample includes all galaxies within a radius of 1.5 Mpc(assuming H(0) = 50 km/s/Mpc) of the cluster center and brighter than J= 17.5.The accuracy of the photometry varies with cluster, but mostmagnitudes are accurate to 0.10 mag, and typical errors in the colorsare of the same order. As expected, the colors of the elliptical and S0galaxies show a narrow dispersion about a mean color which decreaseswith magnitude. However, the colors of the spiral galaxies are notentirely as expected, having a smaller dispersion than would have beenpredicted from their morphological types.
| Catalogue of central velocity dispersions of galaxies A total of 880 measurements of velocity dispersions for 546 galaxieshave been compiled. These data have been used to look for biasesintroduced by the observational techniques and reduction procedures. Twomain effects have been corrected for, due to the reference and the slitwidth. A catalog of homogeneous data has been compiled, where the rawdata are corrected for these effects.
| The dynamics of rich clusters of galaxies. I - The Coma cluster Self-consistent analytical dynamical models are used to study theendpoint of cluster formation, concentrating on the Coma cluster.Particular attention is paid to the effects of anisotropy in thevelocity dispersion and variations in the energy-distribution functionon the cluster structure, the effect on the core structure of a massivecentral object, the dynamical consequences of morphological segregation,cosmological infall and the edge of a cluster, the distribution of darkmatter in a cluster, and the implications of X-ray observations for thedistribution of gravitating material in a cluster. Radial velocity datais displayed, and new and repeated redshifts are reported for a numberof galaxies in the central regions of the cluster. Cluster membership isdetermined and a velocity-dispersion profile is derived. A compositesurface-density profile is derived, and amazing examples are shown ofmodels with virtually identical surface-density profiles but otherwisecompletely different internal dynamics.
| A Survey of Elliptical Galaxies at 6 CM Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1973A&A....24..247E&db_key=AST
| Photographic brightness profiles of Coma Cluster galaxies. I. Catalogue of program galaxies. Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1967AJ.....72..398R&db_key=AST
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