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Using Line Profiles to Test the Fraternity of Type Ia Supernovae at High and Low Redshifts Using archival data of low-redshift (z<0.01 Center for Astrophysicsand SUSPECT databases) Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and recentobservations of high-redshift (0.161.7] SNe Ia, which are also subluminous. Inaddition, we give the first direct evidence in two high-z SN Ia spectraof a double-absorption feature in Ca II λ3945, an event alsoobserved, although infrequently, in low-redshift SN Ia spectra (6 out of22 SNe Ia in our local sample). Moreover, echoing the recent studies ofDessart & Hillier in the context of Type II supernovae (SNe II), wesee similar P Cygni line profiles in our large sample of SN Ia spectra.First, the magnitude of the velocity location at maximum profileabsorption may underestimate that at the continuum photosphere, asobserved, for example, in the optically thinner line S II λ5640.Second, we report for the first time the unambiguous and systematicintrinsic blueshift of peak emission of optical P Cygni line profiles inSN Ia spectra, by as much as 8000 km s-1. All the high-z SNeIa analyzed in this paper were discovered and followed up by the ESSENCEcollaboration and are now publicly available.Based in part on observations obtained at the Cerro TololoInter-American Observatory, which is operated by the Association ofUniversities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc., under cooperativeagreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF); the EuropeanSouthern Observatory, Chile (ESO program 170.A-0519) the GeminiObservatory, which is operated by AURA under a cooperative agreementwith the NSF on behalf of the Gemini partnership (the NSF [UnitedStates], the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council [UnitedKingdom], the National Research Council [Canada], CONICYT [Chile], theAustralian Research Council [Australia], CNPq [Brazil], and CONICET[Argentina]) (programs GN-2002B-Q-14, GN-2003B-Q-11, and GS-2003B-Q-11)the Magellan Telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory; the MMTObservatory, a joint facility of the Smithsonian Institution and theUniversity of Arizona; and the F. L. Whipple Observatory, which isoperated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Some of the datapresented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which isoperated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute ofTechnology, the University of California, and the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by thegenerous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation.
| Classifications of the Host Galaxies of Supernovae, Set III A homogeneous sample comprising host galaxies of 604 recent supernovae,including 212 objects discovered primarily in 2003 and 2004, has beenclassified on the David Dunlap Observatory system. Most SN 1991bg-likeSNe Ia occur in E and E/Sa galaxies, whereas the majority of SN1991T-like SNe Ia occur in intermediate-type galaxies. This differenceis significant at the 99.9% level. As expected, all types of SNe II arerare in early-type galaxies, whereas normal SNe Ia occur in all Hubbletypes. This difference is significant at the 99.99% level. A smallnumber of SNe II in E galaxies might be due to galaxy classificationerrors or to a small young-population component in these mainly oldobjects. No significant difference is found between the distributionsover the Hubble type of SNe Ibc and SNe II. This confirms that both ofthese types of objects have similar (massive) progenitors. The presentdata show that in order to understand the dependence of supernova typeon host-galaxy population, it is more important to obtain accuratemorphological classifications than it is to increase the size of thedata sample.
| Chemistry and Star Formation in the Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae We study the effect of environment on the properties of Type Iasupernovae by analyzing the integrated spectra of 57 local Type Iasupernova host galaxies. We deduce from the spectra the metallicity,current star formation rate, and star formation history of the host andcompare these to the supernova decline rates. Additionally, we comparethe host properties to the difference between the derived supernovadistance and the distance determined from the best-fit Hubble law. Fromthis we investigate possible uncorrected systematic effects inherent inthe calibration of Type Ia supernova luminosities using light-curvefitting techniques. Our results indicate a statistically insignificantcorrelation in the direction of higher metallicity spiral galaxieshosting fainter Type Ia supernovae. However, we present qualitativeevidence suggesting that progenitor age is more likely to be the sourceof variability in supernova peak luminosities than is metallicity. We donot find a correlation between the supernova decline rate and hostgalaxy absolute B magnitude, nor do we find evidence of a significantrelationship between decline rate and current host galaxy star formationrate. A tenuous correlation is observed between the supernova Hubbleresiduals and host galaxy metallicities. Further host galaxyobservations will be needed to refine the significance of this result.Finally, we characterize the environmental property distributions forType Ia supernova host galaxies through a comparison with two larger,more general galaxy distributions using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Theresults show the host galaxy metallicity distribution to be similar tothe metallicity distributions of the galaxies of the NFGS and SDSS.Significant differences are observed between the SN Ia distributions ofabsolute B magnitude and star formation histories and the correspondingdistributions of galaxies in the NFGS and SDSS. Among these is an abruptupper limit observed in the distribution of star formation histories ofthe host galaxy sample, suggesting a Type Ia supernovae characteristicdelay time lower limit of approximately 2.0 Gyr. Other distributiondiscrepancies are investigated and the effects on the supernovaproperties are discussed.
| Reddening, Absorption, and Decline Rate Corrections for a Complete Sample of Type Ia Supernovae Leading to a Fully Corrected Hubble Diagram to v < 30,000 km s-1 Photometric (BVI) and redshift data corrected for streaming motions arecompiled for 111 ``Branch-normal,'' four 1991T-like, seven 1991bg-like,and two unusual supernovae of Type Ia (SNe Ia). Color excessesE(B-V)host of normal SNe Ia, due to the absorption of thehost galaxy, are derived by three independent methods, giving excellentagreement leading to the intrinsic colors at maximum of(B-V)00=-0.024+/-0.010 and (V-I)00=-0.265+/-0.016if normalized to a common decline rate of Δm15=1.1. Thestrong correlation between redshift absolute magnitudes (based on anarbitrary Hubble constant of H0=60 km s-1Mpc-1), corrected only for the extrinsic Galactic absorption,and the derived E(B-V)host color excesses leads to thewell-determined yet abnormal absorption-to-reddening ratios ofRBVI=3.65+/-0.16, 2.65+/-0.15, and 1.35+/-0.21.Comparison with the canonical Galactic values of 4.1, 3.1, and 1.8forces the conclusion that the law of interstellar absorption in thepath length to the SN in the host galaxy is different from the localGalactic law, a result consistent with earlier conclusions by others.Improved correlations of the fully corrected absolute magnitudes (on thesame arbitrary Hubble constant zero point) with host galaxymorphological type, decline rate, and intrinsic color are derived. Werecover the result that SNe Ia in E/S0 galaxies are ~0.3 mag fainterthan in spiral galaxies for possible reasons discussed in the text. Thenew decline rate corrections to absolute magnitudes are smaller thanthose by some authors for reasons explained in the text. The fourspectroscopically peculiar 1991T-type SNe are significantly overluminousas compared to Branch-normal SNe Ia. The overluminosity of the seven1999aa-like SNe is less pronounced. The seven 1991bg types in the sampleconstitute a separate class of SNe Ia, averaging in B 2 mag fainter thanthe normal Ia. New Hubble diagrams in B, V, and I are derived out to~30,000 km s-1 using the fully corrected magnitudes andvelocities, corrected for streaming motions. Nine solutions for theintercept magnitudes in these diagrams show extreme stability at the0.02 mag level using various subsamples of the data for both low andhigh extinctions in the sample, proving the validity of the correctionsfor host galaxy absorption. We shall use the same precepts for fullycorrecting SN magnitudes for the luminosity recalibration of SNe Ia inthe forthcoming final review of our Hubble Space Telescope Cepheid-SNexperiment for the Hubble constant.
| Optical and Near-Infrared Color Profiles in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies and the Implied Age and Metallicity Gradients We present results of an age and metallicity gradient analysis inferredfrom both optical and near-infrared surface photometry. The analysis isbased on a sample of 36 nearby early-type galaxies, obtained from theEarly Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Two MicronAll Sky Survey. Surface brightness profiles were derived in each bandand used to study the color gradients of the galaxies. Using simplestellar population models with both optical and near-infrared colors, wemay interpret the color gradients in terms of age and metallicitygradients of galaxies. UsinggZ≡dlogZmet/dlogR andgA=dlog(age)/dlogR to represent the metallicity and agegradients, we found a median value of gZ=-0.25+/-0.03 for themetallicity gradient, with a dispersionσgZ=0.19+/-0.02. The corresponding valuesfor the age gradients were gA=0.02+/-0.04 andσgA=0.25+/-0.03. These results are in goodagreement with recent observational results, as well as with recentsimulations that suggest that both monolithic collapse and major mergershave played important roles in the formation of early-type galaxies. Ourresults demonstrate the potential of using multi-wave band colorsobtained from current and future optical and infrared surveys inconstraining the age and metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies.
| Supernova 2004br in NGC 4493 IAUC 8343 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
| Supernova 2004br in NGC 4493 IAUC 8340 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
| Cosmological Results from High-z Supernovae The High-z Supernova Search Team has discovered and observed eight newsupernovae in the redshift interval z=0.3-1.2. These independentobservations, analyzed by similar but distinct methods, confirm theresults of Riess and Perlmutter and coworkers that supernova luminositydistances imply an accelerating universe. More importantly, they extendthe redshift range of consistently observed Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia)to z~1, where the signature of cosmological effects has the oppositesign of some plausible systematic effects. Consequently, thesemeasurements not only provide another quantitative confirmation of theimportance of dark energy, but also constitute a powerful qualitativetest for the cosmological origin of cosmic acceleration. We find a ratefor SN Ia of(1.4+/-0.5)×10-4h3Mpc-3yr-1at a mean redshift of 0.5. We present distances and host extinctions for230 SN Ia. These place the following constraints on cosmologicalquantities: if the equation of state parameter of the dark energy isw=-1, then H0t0=0.96+/-0.04, andΩΛ-1.4ΩM=0.35+/-0.14. Includingthe constraint of a flat universe, we findΩM=0.28+/-0.05, independent of any large-scalestructure measurements. Adopting a prior based on the Two Degree Field(2dF) Redshift Survey constraint on ΩM and assuming aflat universe, we find that the equation of state parameter of the darkenergy lies in the range -1.48-1, we obtain w<-0.73 at 95% confidence.These constraints are similar in precision and in value to recentresults reported using the WMAP satellite, also in combination with the2dF Redshift Survey.Based in part on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope,obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated bythe Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc.,under NASA contract NAS 5-26555. This research is primarily associatedwith proposal GO-8177, but also uses and reports results from proposalsGO-7505, 7588, 8641, and 9118.Based in part on observations taken with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, operated by the National Research Council of Canada, le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de France, and the University of Hawaii. CTIO: Based in part on observations taken at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.Keck: Some of the data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. KeckObservatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among theCalifornia Institute of Technology, the University of California, and theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was madepossible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation.UH: Based in part on observations with the University of Hawaii 2.2 mtelescope at Mauna Kea Observatory, Institute for Astronomy, University ofHawaii. UKIRT: Based in part on observations with the United KingdomInfrared Telescope (UKIRT) operated by the Joint Astronomy Centre on behalfof the UK. Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. VLT: Based inpart on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory,Paranal, Chile, under programs ESO 64.O-0391 and ESO 64.O-0404. WIYN: Based in part on observations taken at the WIYN Observatory, a joint facility of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, Yale University, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories.
| BVRI Photometry of Supernovae We present optical photometry of one Type IIn supernova (1994Y) and nineType Ia supernovae (1993Y, 1993Z, 1993ae, 1994B, 1994C, 1994M, 1994Q,1994ae, and 1995D). SN 1993Y and SN 1993Z appear to be normal SN Iaevents with similar rates of decline, but we do not have data nearmaximum brightness. The colors of SN 1994C suggest that it suffers fromsignificant reddening or is intrinsically red. The light curves of SN1994Y are complicated; they show a slow rise and gradual decline nearmaximum brightness in VRI and numerous changes in the decline rates atlater times. SN 1994Y also demonstrates color evolution similar to thatof the SN IIn 1988Z, but it is slightly more luminous and declines morerapidly than SN 1988Z. The behavior of SN 1994Y indicates a small ejectamass and a gradual strengthening of the Hα emission relative tothe continuum.
| The Northern ROSAT All-Sky (NORAS) Galaxy Cluster Survey. I. X-Ray Properties of Clusters Detected as Extended X-Ray Sources In the construction of an X-ray-selected sample of galaxy clusters forcosmological studies, we have assembled a sample of 495 X-ray sourcesfound to show extended X-ray emission in the first processing of theROSAT All-Sky Survey. The sample covers the celestial region withdeclination δ>=0deg and Galactic latitude|bII|>=20deg and comprises sources with a countrate >=0.06 counts s-1 and a source extent likelihood ofL>=7. In an optical follow-up identification program we find 378(76%) of these sources to be clusters of galaxies. It was necessary toreanalyze the sources in this sample with a new X-ray sourcecharacterization technique to provide more precise values for the X-rayflux and source extent than obtained from the standard processing. Thisnew method, termed growth curve analysis (GCA), has the advantage overprevious methods in its ability to be robust, to be easy to model and tointegrate into simulations, to provide diagnostic plots for visualinspection, and to make extensive use of the X-ray data. The sourceparameters obtained assist the source identification and provide moreprecise X-ray fluxes. This reanalysis is based on data from the morerecent second processing of the ROSAT Survey. We present a catalog ofthe cluster sources with the X-ray properties obtained as well as a listof the previously flagged extended sources that are found to have anoncluster counterpart. We discuss the process of source identificationfrom the combination of optical and X-ray data. To investigate theoverall completeness of the cluster sample as a function of the X-rayflux limit, we extend the search for X-ray cluster sources to the dataof the second processing of the ROSAT Survey for the northern sky regionbetween 9h and 14h in right ascension. We includethe search for X-ray emission of known clusters as well as a newinvestigation of extended X-ray sources. In the course of this search wefind X-ray emission from 85 additional Abell clusters and 56 veryprobable cluster candidates among the newly found extended sources. Acomparison of the X-ray cluster number counts of the NORAS sample withthe ROSAT-ESO Flux-limited X-Ray (REFLEX) Cluster Survey results leadsto an estimate of the completeness of the NORAS sample of ROSAT All-SkySurvey (RASS) I extended clusters of about 50% at an X-ray flux ofFX(0.1-2.4 keV)=3×10-12 ergs s-1cm-2. The estimated completeness achieved by adding thesupplementary sample in the study area amounts to about 82% incomparison to REFLEX. The low completeness introduces an uncertainty inthe use of the sample for cosmological statistical studies that will becured with the completion of the continuing Northern ROSAT All-Sky(NORAS) Cluster Survey project. Results reported here are based onobservations made with the Multiple Mirror Telescope, a joint facilityof the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Arizona.
| On the Relation between Peak Luminosity and Parent Population of Type IA Supernovae: A New Tool for Probing the Ages of Distant Galaxies We study the properties of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as functions ofthe radial distance from their host galaxy centers. Using a sample of 62SNe Ia with reliable luminosity, reddening, and decline ratedeterminations, we find no significant radial gradients of SNe Ia peakabsolute magnitudes or decline rates in elliptical+S0 galaxies,suggesting that the diversity of SN properties is not related to themetallicity of their progenitors. We do find that the range inbrightness and light curve width of supernovae in spiral galaxiesextends to brighter, broader values. These results are interpreted assupport for an age, but not metallicity, related origin of the diversityin SNe Ia. If confirmed with a larger and more accurate sample of data,the age-luminosity relation would offer a new and powerful tool to probethe ages and age gradients of stellar populations in galaxies atredshift as high as z~1-2. The absence of significant radial gradientsin the peak (B-V)0 and (V-I)0 colors of SNe Iasupports the reddening correction method of Phillips et al. We find noradial gradient in residuals from the SN Ia luminosity-width relation,suggesting that the relation is not affected by properties of theprogenitor populations and supporting the reliability of cosmologicalresults based upon the use of SNe Ia as distance indicators.
| Supernova Type Ia Luminosities, Their Dependence on Second Parameters, and the Value of H0 A sample of 35 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with good to excellentphotometry in B and V, minimum internal absorption, and1200
| A Search for Environmental Effects on Type IA Supernovae We use integrated colors and B and V absolute magnitudes of Type Iasupernova (SN) host galaxies in order to search for environmentaleffects on the SN optical properties. With the new sample of 44 SNe weconfirm the conclusion by Hamuy et al. that bright events occurpreferentially in young stellar environments. We find also that thebrightest SNe occur in the least luminous galaxies, a possibleindication that metal-poor neighborhoods produce the more luminousevents. The interpretation of these results is made difficult, however,because of the fact that galaxies with younger stellar populations arealso lower in luminosity. In an attempt to remove this ambiguity, we usemodels for the line strengths in the absorption spectrum of fiveearly-type galaxies, in order to estimate metallicities and ages of theSN host galaxies. With the addition of abundance estimates from nebularanalysis of the emission spectra of three spiral galaxies, we findpossible further evidence that luminous SNe are produced in metal-poorneighborhoods. Further spectroscopic observations of the SN hostgalaxies will be necessary to test these results and assist indisentangling the age and metallicity effects on Type Ia SNe.
| BVRI Light Curves for 22 Type IA Supernovae We present 1210 Johnson/Cousins B, V, R, and I photometric observationsof 22 recent Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia): SNe 1993ac, 1993ae, 1994M,1994S, 1994T, 1994Q, 1994ae, 1995D, 1995E, 1995al, 1995ac, 1995ak,1995bd, 1996C, 1996X, 1996Z, 1996ab, 1996ai, 1996bk, 1996bl, 1996bo, and1996bv. Most of the photometry was obtained at the Fred Lawrence WhippleObservatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in acooperative observing plan aimed at improving the database for SNe Ia.The redshifts of the sample range from cz=1200 to 37,000 km s^-1 with amean of cz=7000 km s^-1.
| A Complete Redshift Survey to the Zwicky Catalog Limit in a 2^h X 15 deg Region around 3C 273 We compile 1113 redshifts (648 new measurements, 465 from theliterature) for Zwicky catalog galaxies in the region (-3.5d <= delta<= 8.5d, 11h5 <= alpha <= 13h5). We include redshifts for 114component objects in 78 Zwicky catalog multiplets. The redshift surveyin this region is 99.5% complete to the Zwicky catalog limit, m_Zw =15.7. It is 99.9% complete to m_Zw = 15.5, the CfA Redshift Survey(CfA2) magnitude limit. The survey region is adjacent to the northernportion of CfA2, overlaps the northernmost slice of the Las CampanasRedshift Survey, includes the southern extent of the Virgo Cluster, andis roughly centered on the QSO 3C 273. As in other portions of theZwicky catalog, bright and faint galaxies trace the same large-scalestructure.
| HIPPARCOS calibration of the peak brightness of four SNe IA and the value of H_0 HIPPARCOS geometrical parallaxes allowed us to calibrate the CepheidPeriod-Luminosity relation and to compute the true distance moduli of 17galaxies. Among these 17 galaxies, we selected those which generatedtype Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). We found NGC 5253, parent galaxy of 1895Band 1972E, IC 4182 and NGC 4536 parents of 1937C and 1981B,respectively. We used the available B-band photometry to determine thepeak brightness of these four SNe Ia. We obtained = -19.65 +/- 0.09. Then, we built a sample of 57SNe Ia in order to plot the Hubble diagram and determine its zero-point.Our result (ZPB = -3.16 +/- 0.10) is in agreement with otherdeterminations and allows us to derive the following Hubble constant:H0 = 50 +/- 3 (internal) km.s(-1}.Mpc({-1)) .
| The statistics analysis of recent supernovae. Not Available
| The Canaris Type IA Supernovae Archive (I) This paper presents an atlas containing 59 low-resolution supernova spectra which correspond to 27 type Ia supernovae. These 59spectra spectra which correspond to 27 type Ia supernovae. These 59spectra refer to different ages along the postmaximum type Ia evolution,covering from the photospheric to the old (~>300 days) nebularphases. These supernovae were observed as a part of the long-termobservational program Supernova Monitoring Project, carried out at theObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Spain) from 1990 Julyto 1994 July. Most of these observations were taken with the FaintObject Spectrograph (FOS) and a few spectra were obtained by means theISIS spectrograph. Three or more spectra were obtained for ten of thesesupernovae. Concerning the homogeneity among the type Ia supernovasubclass, our sample points to a "first-order" overall homogeneousspectroscopic behavior. However, a finer analysis - comparing spectra atsimilar evolutionary phase-allows differences to be found in relation tostrengths, wavelength positions, and evolution with time of the moresignificant spectral type Ia supernova features. Furthermore, someobjects that exhibit clear signs of spectroscopic peculiarities (SNe1991F, 1991bg, and 1991bj) are also included in our sample. The parentgalaxies of these supernovae present redshifts ranging from z = 0.003 toz = 0.07. Four of these (SNe 1991S, 1991ad, 1992R, and 1992ac) wereobserved in galaxies with z~>0.05. Only six events in our sample weredetected in an early-type (i.e., elliptical or lenticular) galaxy,whereas multiple supernova events were detected in five of the parentgalaxies in our supernova sample.
| The ROSAT AGN content of the 87GB 5 GHz survey: bulk properties of previously optically identified sources. The cross-correlation of the source list from the ROSAT All-Sky Surveywith the 5 GHz Green Bank survey yields a list of 2127 objects. Abouttwo thirds of them are optically unidentified. The majority of theobjects with known optical counterparts are quasars and radio galaxies,most of them detected in X-rays for the first time. In this paper wepresent a list of the previously optically identified objects with theirmain characteristics and discuss their general (bulk) properties. Wefind strong correlations between luminosities in the radio, optical, andX-ray bands which differ for quasars and radio galaxies. The fraction offlat radio spectrum sources increases with redshift and ~ 95% of allsources above z = 2 are of that type. In the relatively large group ofblazars, radio selected BL Lacs and highly polarized quasars show verysimilar properties while X-ray selected BL Lacs have markedly differentX-ray to radio flux ratios. The sample is large enough and ofsufficiently high quality to reveal clearly various detection biases andselection effects which strongly influence the physical interpretationof the correlations. Radio follow - up observations for thedetermination of the morphological and spectral properties as well asenvironmental conditions are needed for a statistically reliable studyof the sample. The very large group of sources with low radio fluxesremains to be optically identified.
| Supernova 1994M in NGC 4493 IAUC 5982 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.IAUC 5982 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
| Periodic Comet Maury (1994h) IAUC 5984 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
| An extended galaxy redshift survey. I - The catalogue Redshifts and blue magnitudes are presented for a sample of 264 'field'galaxies virtually complete to a limiting magnitude of 16.80 mag. Thegalaxies were selected by sampling one galaxy in every three in order ofapparent magnitude on each of nine high-latitude UK Schmidt (UKST)fields. The spectral data came from observations with the 1.9-mtelescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), and theresulting radial velocities have a precision of 130 + or - km/s. Thissurvey augments substantially the Durham/AAT redshift survey. Theobservational techniques and reduction procedures are discussed.
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