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Investigation of Barred Galaxies. V. Surroundings of SB and SA Galaxies Not Available
| The Catalog of Southern Ringed Galaxies The Catalog of Southern Ringed Galaxies (CSRG) is a comprehensivecompilation of diameters, axis ratios, relative bar position angles, andmorphologies of inner and outer rings, pseudorings, and lenses in 3692galaxies south of declination -17 deg. The purpose of the catalog is toevaluate the idea that these ring phenomena are related to orbitalresonances with a bar or oval in galaxy potentials. The catalog is basedon visual inspection of most of the 606 fields of the Science ResearchCouncil (SRC) IIIa-J southern sky survey, with the ESO-B, ESO-R, andPalomar Sky surveys used as auxiliaries when needed for overexposed coreregions. The catalog is most complete for SRC fields 1-303 (mostly southof declination -42 deg). In addition to ringed galaxies, a list of 859mostly nonringed galaxies intended for comparison with other catalogs isprovided. Other findings from the CSRG that are not based on statisticsare the identification of intrinsic bar/ring misalignment; bars whichunderfill inner rings; dimpling of R'1pseudorings; pointy, rectangular, or hexagonal inner or outer ringshapes; a peculiar polar-ring-related system; and other extreme examplesof spiral structure and ring morphology.
| A volume-limited sample of IRAS galaxies to 4000 km/s, 3: CCD photometry from Palomar and Tololo observatories An all-sky, quasi-volume-limited sample of 251 spiral galaxies within4000 km/s has been extracted from the redshift survey of InfraredAstronomy Satellite (IRAS) galaxies by Strauss (1992). Distance modulifor these objects estimated via the Tully-Fisher (TF) method allow thepeculiar velocity field and the cosmological density parameter to beconstrained within this volume. The TF relation we exploit relatesdeprojected neutral hydrogen line width to near-infrared luminosity.Herein we present I and V band photometry for 159 members of this sampleobtained with charge coupled device (CCD) cameras at Palomar and Tololoobservatories. Image processing and photometric calibration proceduresare described. Twenty seven objects with multiple calibratedobservations suggest that isophotal I band magnitudes are reproduced toequal to or less than 0.05 mag precision at sigmaI = 23.5 magarcsec-2, and that systematic run-to-run offsets are limitedto equal to or less than 0.05 I mag.
| A volume-limited sample of IRAS galaxies to 4000 km/s, 2: Neutral hydrogen observations from the Parkes telescope We have extracted a volume-limited sample of spiral galaxies within 4000km/s from the Strauss et al. (1992) redshift survey of InfraredAstronomical Satellite (IRAS) galaxies. The purpose of the sample is touse distances obtained from the neutral hydrogen/near-infrared (I-band)Tully-Fisher relation to study deviations from uniform Hubble expansion.This will allow us to estimate the distribution of mass in the localuniverse and to place constraints on the value of the cosmologicaldensity parameter, omega 0. Here we report neutral hydrogen(H I) observations of 61 galaxies from this sample taken at the 64 mParkes telescope, 48 of which resulted in measured linewidth parameters.Empirical estimates of random and systematic errors in H I line widthsat low signal-to-noise ratio are described.
| Simulated aperture-photometry on CCD-frames for 67 southern galaxies in B and R As part of a large project to calibrate all the Schmidt plates of theESO Quick blue and the red survey, CCD-photometry in B and R has beenobtained for galaxies on 67 different survey fields. On these framessynthetic-aperture photometry is applied in order to present the data ina way which makes the comparison with photographic photometry easy.
| Southern Galaxy Catalogue. Not Available
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