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The UZC-SSRS2 Group Catalog We apply a friends-of-friends algorithm to the combined Updated ZwickyCatalog and Southern Sky Redshift Survey to construct a catalog of 1168groups of galaxies; 411 of these groups have five or more members withinthe redshift survey. The group catalog covers 4.69 sr, and all groupsexceed the number density contrast threshold, δρ/ρ=80. Wedemonstrate that the groups catalog is homogeneous across the twounderlying redshift surveys; the catalog of groups and their membersthus provides a basis for other statistical studies of the large-scaledistribution of groups and their physical properties. The medianphysical properties of the groups are similar to those for groupsderived from independent surveys, including the ESO Key Programme andthe Las Campanas Redshift Survey. We include tables of groups and theirmembers.
| A Dynamical Study of Galaxies in the Hickson Compact Groups To investigate dynamical properties of spiral galaxies in the Hicksoncompact groups (HCGs), we present rotation curves of 30 galaxies in 20HCGs. We found as follows: (1) There is no significant relation betweendynamical peculiarity and morphological peculiarity in HCG spiralgalaxies. (2) There is no significant relation between the dynamicalproperties and the frequency distribution of nuclear activities in HCGspiral galaxies. (3) There are no significant correlations between thedynamical properties of HCG spiral galaxies and any group properties(i.e., size, velocity dispersion, galaxy number density, and crossingtime). (4) Asymmetric and peculiar rotation curves are more frequentlyseen in the HCG spiral galaxies than in field spiral galaxies or incluster ones. However, this tendency is more obviously seen in late-typeHCG spiral galaxies. These results suggest that the dynamical propertiesof HCG spiral galaxies do not strongly correlate with the morphology,the nuclear activity, and the group properties. Our results also suggestthat more frequent galaxy collisions occur in the HCGs than in the fieldand in the clusters.
| The Nuclear Activity of Galaxies in the Hickson Compact Groups In order to investigate the nuclear activity of galaxies residing incompact groups of galaxies, we present results of our opticalspectroscopic program made at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory. We haveperformed optical spectroscopy of 69 galaxies belonging to 31 Hicksoncompact groups (HCGs) of galaxies. Among them, three galaxies havediscordant redshifts and, moreover, spectral quality is too poor toclassify another three galaxies. Therefore, we describe our results forthe remaining 63 galaxies. Our main results are summarized as follows:(1) We have found in our sample 28 active galactic nuclei (AGNs), 16 HII nuclei, and 19 normal galaxies showing no emission line. We used thisHCG sample for statistical analyses. (2) Comparing the frequencydistributions of activity types between the HCGs and the field galaxieswhose data are taken from Ho, Filippenko, & Sargent (382 fieldgalaxies), we find that the frequency of H II nuclei in the HCGs issignificantly less than that in the field. However, this difference maybe due to selection bias to the effect that our HCG sample contains moreearly-type galaxies than the field, because it is known that H II nucleiare rarer in early-type galaxies than in later ones. (3) Applying acorrection to this morphological bias to the HCG sample, we find thatthere is no statistically significant difference in the frequency ofoccurrence of emission-line galaxies between the HCGs and the field.This implies that the dense galaxy environment in the HCGs does notaffect the triggering of either the AGN activity and the nuclearstarburst. We discuss some implications on the nuclear activity in theHCG galaxies.
| Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC). The positions were measuredvisually from Digitized Sky Survey images with rms uncertaintiesσ<=[(1.2")2+(θ/100)2]1/2,where θ is the major-axis diameter. We compared each galaxymeasured with the original UGC description to ensure high reliability.The full position list is available in the electronic version only.
| Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies: Universidad Complutense de Madrid List 3 A new low-dispersion objective-prism search for low-redshift(z<0.045) emission-line galaxies (ELGs) has been carried out by theUniversidad Complutense de Madrid using the Schmidt Telescope at theCalar-Alto Observatory. This is a continuation of the UCM Survey, whichwas performed by visual selection of candidates in photographic platesvia the presence of the Hα+[N ii] lambda6584 blend in emission. Inmaking this new list we have applied an automatic procedure, fullydeveloped by us, for selecting and analyzing ELG candidates on thedigitized images obtained with the Machine Automatique à Mesurerpour l'Astronomie (MAMA). The analyzed region of the sky covers 189deg^2 in nine fields near alpha=14^h and 17^h, delta=25^deg. The finalsample contains 113 candidates. Special effort has been made to obtain alarge amount of information directly from our uncalibrated plates byusing several external calibrations. The parameters obtained for the ELGcandidates allow us to study the statistical properties of the sample.
| Radio Emission of Shakhbazian Compact Galaxy Groups We detect 353 radio sources from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and theFIRST Survey within the areas of 179 Shakhbazian compact groups (ShCGs)of galaxies. Ninety-three of them are identified with galaxies in 74ShCGs. Six radio sources have complex structure. The radio spectra of 22sources are determined. Radio luminosities of galaxies in ShCGs are ingeneral higher than those of galaxies in Hickson compact groups (HCGs).A comparison of radio (at 1.4 GHz) and FIR (at 60 μm) fluxes of ShCGgalaxies with those of HCG galaxies shows that galaxies in ShCGs arerelatively stronger emitters at radio wavelengths, while galaxies inHCGs have relatively stronger FIR emission. The reasons for suchdifferences are discussed.
| An H_alpha catalogue of galaxies in Hickson compact groups. I. The sample We present H_alpha photometry for a sample of 95 galaxies in HicksonCompact Groups obtained from observations of 31 groups. The Cataloguelists isophotal and adaptive aperture (Kron aperture) flux measurementsfor about 75% of the accordant galaxies inside the observed HCGs, 22 outof which are upper limits. Non standard data reduction procedures havebeen used to obtain the continuum subtracted H_alpha images for each HCGof the target sample. Flux calibration has also been performed in orderto obtain H_alpha luminosities for the whole sample. Both the datareduction and calibration procedures are carefully described in thispaper. The new data listed in this Catalogue are of great importance inunderstanding the star formation rate inside HCG galaxies and in givingnew insights on its dependence on galaxy interactions. Tables 3 to 10and Figs. 6 to 11 are only available in electronic version at Tables 7, 8, 9 are also available inelectronic version form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via
| Extensive Spiral Structure and Corotation Resonance Spiral density wave theories demand that grand-design spiral structurebe bounded, at most, between the inner and outer Lindblad resonances ofthe spiral pattern. The corotation resonance lies between the outer andthe inner Lindblad resonances. The locations of the resonances are atradii whose ratios to each other are rather independent of the shape ofthe rotation curve. The measured ratio of outer to inner extent ofspiral structure for a given spiral galaxy can be compared to thestandard ratio of corotation to inner Lindblad resonance radius. In thecase that the measured ratio far exceeds the standard ratio, it islikely that the corotation resonance is within the bright optical disk.Studying such galaxies can teach us how the action of resonances sculptsthe appearance of spiral disks. This paper reports observations of 140disk galaxies, leading to resonance ratio tests for 109 qualified spiralgalaxies. It lists candidates that have a good chance of having thecorotation resonance radius within the bright optical disk.
| Kinematics of the local universe. VII. New 21-cm line measurements of 2112 galaxies This paper presents 2112 new 21-cm neutral hydrogen line measurementscarried out with the meridian transit Nan\c cay radiotelescope. Amongthese data we give also 213 new radial velocities which complement thoselisted in three previous papers of this series. These new measurements,together with the HI data collected in LEDA, put to 6 700 the number ofgalaxies with 21-cm line width, radial velocity, and apparent diameterin the so-called KLUN sample. Figure 5 and Appendices A and B forcorresponding comments are available in electronic form at the
| Far infrared properties of Hickson compact groups of galaxies. I. High resolution IRAS maps and fluxes. The Far Infrared (FIR) properties of galaxies which are members ofcompact groups bear relevant information on the dynamical status and thephysical properties of these structures. All studies published so farhave been undermined by the poor sensitivity and spatial resolution ofthe IRAS-PSC and IRAS Sky Survey data. We used the HIRAS softwareavailable at the IRAS server at the Laboratory for Space Research inGroningen to fully exploit the redundancy of the IRAS data and toapproach the theoretical diffraction limit of IRAS. Among the 97 groupswhich were observed by IRAS, 62 were detected in at least one band,while reliable upper limits were derived for all the others. Among thedetected groups, 49 were fully or partially resolved, i.e. it waspossible to discriminate which member or members emit most of the FIRlight. At 60μm, for instance, 87 individual sources were detected in62 groups. In order to ease the comparison with data obtained at otherwavelengths - and in particular in the X and radio domains - we giveco-added and HIRAS maps for all the detected groups.
| Compact groups of galaxies and large-scale structure The relative orientation of a homogeneous sample of 92 compact groups ofgalaxies taken from Hickson's catalog is investigated. No evidence isfound for these groups of galaxies to be aligned with either theirnearest neighbors or with Abell clusters. However, a weak indication ofalignment is found for groups connected in large structures such as'chains' and/or 'filaments'. Two concentrations are found: one of 17groups extends for 93/h Mpc, the other of 15 groups for 83/h Mpc. Bothhave an average recession velocity of about 6300 km/s. The alignment ofthe groups in the concentrations may be suggestive of a real effect.This result supports the argument that group orientations reflect theirorigin in chainlike or filamentary protosuperclusters.
| Dynamical properties of compact groups of galaxies Radial velocities are presented for 457 galaxies in the 100 Hicksoncompact groups. More than 84 percent of the galaxies measured havevelocities within 1000 km/s of the median velocity in the group.Ninety-two groups have at least three accordant members, and 69 groupshave at least four. The radial velocities of these groups range from1380 to 42,731 km/s with a median of 8889 km/s, corresponding to amedian distance of 89/h Mpc. The apparent space density of these systemsranges from 300 to as much as 10 exp 8 sq h/sq Mpc, which exceeds thedensities in the centers of rich clusters. The median projectedseparation between galaxies is 39/h kpc, comparable to the sizes of thegalaxies themselves. A significant correlation is found between crossingtime and the fraction of gas-rich galaxies in the groups, and a weakanticorrelation is found between crossing time and the luminositycontrast of the first-ranked galaxy.
| A photometric catalog of compact groups of galaxies The paper presents astrometry, photometry, and morphological types,derived from CCD images, for 463 galaxies in the 100 compact groupsselected by Hickson. Some minor revisions to the membership of theoriginal catalog are made, based on these new images. The completenessof the catalog is considered as a function of group magnitude andGalactic latitude. At high Galactic latitude the catalog is estimated tobe 90 percent complete for groups with total B(T) magnitude 13.0 orless. It is less complete at lower Galactic latitude because ofobscuration and high stellar density.
| The neighborhood of a compact group of galaxies Complete and statistical samples of galaxies in well definedneighborhoods surrounding the 100 Hickson (1983) compact groups havebeen identified and structural properties estimated by visual inspectionof Palomar Sky Survey prints. Among these 100 neighborhoods, two-thirdsare statistically indistinguishable from superposed field galaxies, butone-third contain galaxies in the physical neighborhood of the compactgroup. The morphological types of the galaxies in these physicalneighborhoods are statistically later than the galaxy types in thecompact groups.
| Studies of IRAS sources at high galactic latitudes. IV - New redshifts and the spectroscopic properties of IRAS galaxies New redshifts, H-alpha line fluxes, and optical continuum fluxes forIRAS galaxies are presented. Most of the galaxies show emission linesstronger than those found in optically selected spiral galaxies andcharacteristic of normal H II regions, suggesting a burst of starformation as the basic energy source. There is considerable reddeningtoward the emission-line regions and toward the unobserved UV sources,most of the energy emerging in the infrared. A minority of the casesshow high-excitation emission lines, and these are also distinguished bytheir infrared colors, typical luminosities, and emission-linestrengths. Type 2 Seyferts outnumber type 1s by two to one.
| H I observations of galaxies in the Hercules supercluster An H-I survey of the Hercules supercluster region was conducted using21-cm line observations of galaxies listed in the Uppsala GeneralCatalog of Galaxies (Nilson, 1973). It is found that thethree-dimensional distribution of the sample deviates markedly from thatexpected for a randomly distributed sample, and that the sample volumecontains an underdense region in front of the supercluster. An upperlimit to the expansion velocity of this underdense region of 400 km/s isobtained.
| Neutral hydrogen in compact groups of galaxies Integrated H I profiles were detected for 34 of 51 Hickson compactgroups (HCGs) of galaxies, and sensitive upper limits to the H I fluxdensity were measured for the other 17. About 60 percent of the galaxieswithin compact groups are spirals, and a significant tendency exists forthe fraction of elliptical galaxies to increase with group surfacebrightness. The amount of dark matter within the compact group region isnegligibly small. An HCG on average contains half as much neutralhydrogen as a loose group with a similar spectrum of galaxy luminositiesand morphological types, implying that compact groups are independentdynamical entities and not transient or projected configurations ofloose groups. The observed fraction of galaxies which are luminousenough to be possible merger products of compact groups is smallcompared with the fraction required by the theory of dynamical friction.A clear discrepancy thus exists between solid empirical evidence and astraightforward prediction of Newtonian dynamical theory in a settingwhich does not permit a dark matter explanation.
| Systematic properties of compact groups of galaxies An analysis of estimated galaxy magnitudes, morphology, and groupangular size for the case of 100 compact groups of galaxies indicatesthat (1) there is no correlation between group density and magnitudedifference between first- and second-ranked galaxies, (2) there is nopreferred morphological type for the first-ranked galaxies, many ofwhich are spiral, (3) the groups contain fewer spirals than a comparablesample of field galaxies, and (4) there seems to be a deficiency offaint galaxies, in comparison with rich cluster and field galaxies. Thisapparent deficiency is greater in groups with elliptical, first-rankedgalaxies. Implications of the above results are discussed from theviewpoint of dynamical evolution.
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