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A Survey for H 2O Megamasers in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. A Comparison of Detected and Undetected Galaxies A survey for H2O megamaser emission from 354 active galaxies hasresulted in the detection of 10 new sources, making 16 known altogether.The galaxies surveyed include a distance-limited sample (coveringSeyferts and LINERs with recession velocities less than 7000 km s-1) anda magnitude-limited sample (covering Seyferts and LINERs with mB <=14.5). In order to determine whether the H2O-detected galaxies are"typical" active galactic nuclei (AGNs) or have special properties thatfacilitate the production of powerful masers, we have accumulated adatabase of physical, morphological, and spectroscopic properties of theobserved galaxies. The most significant finding is that H2O megamasersare detected only in Seyfert 2 and LINER galaxies, not Seyfert 1's. Thislack of detection in Seyfert 1's indicates either that they do not havemolecular gas in their nuclei with physical conditions appropriate toproduce 1.3 cm H2O masers or that the masers are beamed away from Earth,presumably in the plane of the putative molecular torus that hides theSeyfert 1 nucleus in Seyfert 2's. LINERs are detected at a similar rateto Seyfert 2's, which constitutes a strong argument that at least somenuclear LINERs are AGNs rather than starbursts, since starbursts havenot been detected as H2O megamasers. We preferentially detect H2Oemission from the nearer galaxies and from those that are apparentlybrighter at mid- and far-infrared and centimeter radio wavelengths.There is also a possible trend for the H2O-detected galaxies to be moreintrinsically luminous in nuclear 6 cm radio emission than theundetected ones, though these data are incomplete. We find evidence thatSeyfert 2's with very high (NH > 1024 cm-2) X-ray--absorbing columnsof gas are more often detected as H2O maser emitters than Seyfert 2'swith lower columns. It may be that the probability of detecting H2Omaser emission in Seyfert galaxies increases with increasing column ofcool gas to the nucleus, from Seyfert 1's through narrow-line X-raygalaxies to Seyfert 2's.
| A Survey for H 2O Megamasers in Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Observations We report an extensive search for 22 GHz H_2_O maser emission fromnearby active galaxies. Our sample includes all Seyfert and LINERgalaxies listed in the Huchra catalog or the Veron-Cetty & Veroncatalog with recessional velocities less than 7000 km s^-1^, and allSeyfert galaxies and LINERs in Huchra's catalog with m_b_ <= 14. Inaddition to these distance- and magnitude-limited samples, we have alsoobserved a number of active galaxies, including radio galaxies, athigher redshift; In all, some 354 galaxies have been surveyed. Ten newH_2_O megamaser sources have been detected, resulting in 16 galaxiesthat are currently known to contain H_2_O masers with isotropicluminosities greater than 20 L_sun_. Of the observed active galaxieswith cz < 7000 km s^-1^, 5.4% have detectable H_2_O megamaseremission. This fraction increases to 11% for those sources with cz <2000 km s^-1^. The newly discovered megamaser sources were monitored onsubsequent observing runs. The strength of the maser features varies forthese sources, as they do for Galactic masers. Three of the galaxieshave sufficient data to test for velocity changes of narrow masercomponents comparable in magnitude to those of the well-studied systemicfeatures in NGC 4258. The maser line in one of these galaxies-NGC2639-is found to have a systematic redward velocity drift of 6.6 +/- 0.4km s^-1^ yr^-1^. No systematic velocity drifts are found for the othertwo sources. We also report large apparent velocity changes in theunusual broad H_2_O emission feature in NGC 1052.
| Groups of Galaxies in the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey Abstract image available at:
| Environments of Seyfert galaxies. I. Construction of the sample and selection effects. In order to build a satisfactory picture of Seyferts in relation tonormal galaxies we have started a series of papers first establishingsome of their basic environmental properties, especially the differencein the number of close companions between Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2galaxies. Here we report sample selections and discuss selection effectsinvolved for the samples of 104 Seyferts and 138 control galaxies. Theresults of the statistical analyses are presented by Laurikainen &Salo (1994, Paper II). The neighbouring galaxies are counted on thePalomar Sky Survey Plates to the limiting magnitude =~19m_pg_ within thecircles of 1.5Mpc in diameter (H_0_=100km/s/Mpc), large measuringcircles enabling good elimination of the background galaxies. Subsamplesare selected in order to test the methods by Dahari (1984) and byFuentes-Williams & Stocke (1988). Elimination of background galaxiesand problems related to comparison galaxy sample selection arediscussed. The most important problem in our control galaxy sampleselection is that the redshifts for most of the control galaxies areunknown. The size of this uncertainty is estimated by determining theredshifts by two ways: (1) by assuming that the selected comparisongalaxy has the same redshift as the nearby Seyfert and (2) byMonte-Carlo simulations for Holmberg (1975) galaxy size distribution inspace, taking into account the Malmquist bias. The mean redshifts of thecomparison sample are estimated with these methods to be 0.028 and0.029, respectively, compared with 0.026 for the Seyfert sample.Distribution of Seyferts in Zwicky's clusters is also addressed, andcompared with previous studies. Taking into account optical projections,about 3/4 of the Seyferts are found to be field galaxies. Galaxies inclusters lie preferentially at the cluster borders.
| An optical catalog of extragalactic emission-line objects similar to quasi-stellar objects A catalog of 935 galaxies which have optical properties similar to thoseof QSOs is given. A subsidiary table of cross-identifications enablesthe reader to relate the name of a given object to its coordinate name.Most of the objects appear to be nonstellar. The majority, more than700, have redshifts z = 0.2 or less, and have mostly been classified asSeyfert galaxies, N systems, or radio galaxies. The Hubble diagram forall of the objects with z = 0.2 or less is shown. The redshiftdistribution peaks at z = 0.025, but there are about 200 powerful radiogalaxies in the extended tail of the distribution which have z greaterthan 0.2. There is a separate and distinct peak in the redshiftdistribution at z = 0.06.
| A statistical study of properties of Seyfert and starburst galaxies Spectral and morphological data for 282 Seyfert and emission-linegalaxies spanning radio to X-ray wavelengths are compiled. The datainclude a large number of optical emission-line measurements which havenot been reported previously. These data are intended to provide aconvenient summary of the relevant properties of these galaxies, as wellas a data base to search for correlations among the various parametersin order to obtain a better understanding of the active galaxyphenomenon. The paper presents the data and analyzes the distributionsof various properties of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies and starburstgalaxies. It is found that Seyferts 2s have a higher 60 micron/forbiddenO III 5007 A flux ratio than Seyfert 1s. This result, combined with thefact that Seyfert 2s are more heavily reddened, indicate that they havea higher dust content. It is also found that starburst nuclei arecomparable to Seyfert 2s in far-infrared and 20 cm luminosities,although their optical spectra are markedly different.
| Accurate Optical Positions of Arakelian Galaxies Abstract image available at:
| Galaxies of high surface brightness Two lists are presented which contain 621 galaxies whose surfacebrightness, as derived from their apparent magnitudes, is at least 22.0magnitudes from an area of 1 sq arcsec. The lists were compiled in anattempt to verify observationally a possible correlation between surfacebrightness and nuclear activity. Four percent of all the galaxies in anarea of 4.5 sr at declinations higher than -3 deg and galactic latitudesgreater than 20 deg are listed, including 30 Markarian, 29 Zwicky, and 7blue Haro galaxies. A morphological study of 130 of the galaxiesindicates that about half are elliptical or lenticular, 50 are compactor peculiar, and that there is an excess of elliptical and lenticularobjects in comparison with a random sample. Notes on the morphologicaltypes and colors of the galaxies are provided along with identificationcharts.
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